At the time, Xie Limo also said that she would not need to ignore him if she let her see it again.

But suddenly facing the elder from Xie's headquarters again, Yun Bixue didn't know how to face it.

Yun Dong felt the subtle changes in the surrounding atmosphere, and quickly stopped in front of Yun Bixue.

Yun Bixue reached out and said: "Yun Dong, take me away."

"Yes, Miss."

Yun Dong's expression also became colder. She thought that if the other party wanted to do something to Missy, she wouldn't let it go first, no matter who he was!

There are also hundreds of dead people in the dark, so others don't dare to do anything to Missy.

The second elder saw Yun Bixue walking in the opposite direction, his face changed, this girl turned out to be disrespectful to him!

When he saw Yun Bixue's belly, his startled eyes fell.

The old man didn't care about anything else and shouted "Yun Bixue!"

The second elder's voice was very strong, and there was a sense of majesty.

Yun Bixue stepped, without looking back, she gritted her teeth and asked Yun Dong to continue with her.

She doesn't want to negotiate with the people in the headquarters for the time being, and she also wants to protect the children in her belly.

She could clearly feel that because of this child, the second elder's mood had changed, especially the voice was cold.

So she can only pretend to have heard nothing and keep going.

But if the second elder sent someone to block it, it would be a different matter.

Yun Dong watched that someone was coming, he would signal to let the secret dead come out.

But at this moment, just listening to the bang, the explosion sounded.

Yun Bixue couldn't help but look back and saw that the car next to the old man was hit by a car, and both cars started to catch fire...

What Yun Bixue cannot ignore is that the car that hit the old car is the car of An Yexuan.

Too surprised to be surprised, she was stuffed into a car by Yundong and the two left quickly.

The man led by the old man just saved him, forgot Yun Bixue, and after the reaction came, it was gone.

The angry second elder blows his beard and stares.

"There are even children, and the rules of the ancestors of the Xie family have been disregarded. It is too inconsistent. It is lawless and lawless without consulting with our elders."

It was also the first time that the people who followed the Second Elder saw the Second Elder so angry.

"Second Elder, don't be angry first, you need to check this matter again!"

"Check what is clear. Have you seen your belly is big? Ah? That big belly must be born."

"Second Elder, do you want to report to the headquarters and tell the master and the mother?"

"Can they know? They must have known it for a long time. No wonder everything is hiding from us. No wonder our elder's hospital is dying this year, just to hide us!"


Yun Bixue returned home with some shock. She didn’t need to worry if she wasn’t pregnant. It was because she had children that she was a little worried and couldn’t figure out the thoughts of the people in the headquarters. She didn’t dare to rush into them. on.

"Miss, do you want to call Xie Shao?"

Yun Bixue shook his head. "When he comes back, he can't tell clearly on the phone. Rest assured, no one dared to break into this villa, even if he is the second elder of the Xie's headquarters, it won't help."

"Well, but what happened to An Yexuan today? Did he happen to bump into it, or was it intentional? But deliberately, why did he help us? Did he become normal, and confess to Missy?"

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