Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1736: Just to make my heart feel good

Looking at such an excited baby, Yun Bixue stunned slightly. It was really amazing. Does the child know dad?

"Baby? Do you know dad?"

The little boy smiled happily, because his appearance was particularly good-looking, and his smile was also contagious, so Yun Bixue also laughed gently and gently.

The little boy kicked his feet excitedly, constantly moving his hands, having fun.

Yun Bixue hugged him beside him, afraid he would fall himself.

After a while, the baby stopped and blinked beautiful eyes, as if expecting something.

At this time, Xie Limo saw Xie Liu coming, withdrew his hand from Yun Bixue's stomach, bowed his head and kissed Yun Bixue's forehead, and said, "Sleep well."

He went out.

"Xie Shao!"

"Well, you are here, there is one thing, the plan to settle down is temporarily cancelled!"

Xie Liu was stunned for several times, almost unable to respond, opened his eyes wide and could not believe it, but this was the network Xie Shao set up early, to deal with An Yexuan, and Anjia, how to accept it?

Seeing that the net is about to close, the entire home will be uprooted, but Xie Shao said to stop.

This made Xie Liu understand nothing.

Xie Shao didn’t say that he wanted to get back everything for Mrs. Shao, would he not let go of anything that was bad for her?

And An Xuan did a lot of things, why did he let him go at this point?

Looking at Xie Liu's shocked expression, Xie Limo said lightly: "The Anjia family now also has an empty shell left, and no big waves can come out. Xie XVI stares at it, and there will be no problem."

Xie Liu frowned, "Xie Shao, I still don't understand." If according to Xie Shao's temperament, An Yexuan should have been tossed to death after being uprooted at An's house, now Xie Shao has let him go, Give him a way to live?

Xie Limo sighed: "Xie Liu, today he helped Mrs. Shao to save her life, perhaps including the baby in her stomach. I don't owe humanity to Xie Shao, especially when it comes to family."

Immediately afterwards, Xie Limo also talked about what happened to Yun Bixue today.

Xie Liu suddenly, bent down reverently: "The subordinates understand!"

Xie Liu knew that Xie Shao actually wanted to make a blessing for the unborn little master.

Moreover, it seemed that An Yexuan had come awake, so at that moment, regardless of his own danger, he helped the young lady.

No wonder news broke out now, and An Shao was injured again.

However, An Yexuan refused to admit and did not go to the hospital. According to the information provided by Xie Xie, An Yexuan recuperated himself at home.

It turned out that he did not want people to make the news big, fearing that it would hurt the young lady.

Perhaps Xie Shaocai planned to let go of his home in response to what An Yexuan did today.

An Yexuan, who was lying in bed, was simply bandaged. He looked out of the window, his expression faint.

When Xie Sixteen walked in with the food, he looked at An Yexuan and said, "You almost died today."

"Well, I know."

"Why are you doing that? Your driving skills should be passable, as for hitting an old man?"

Because An Yexuan did not let Xie Sixteen follow, Xie Sixteen did not know that An Yexuan had hit the car of the elder.

An Yexuan glanced at Xie Xie and said quietly: "I just want to make my heart feel better."

Xie Sixteen almost fell to the ground, she thought An Yexuan was normal, but did not expect to be more serious, "You are looking for death, don't you want to live?"

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