Regarding Xie Xie's words, An Yexuan was undecided. He looked faint, with an immersive atmosphere around him, and the surrounding air was a bit cold.

Xie Sixteen put the food on the table next to him, walked to An Yexuan's bed and sat down, looking at An Yexuan's expression.

She felt that she could not understand An Yexuan now. She was seriously ill and had a life or death, but An Yexuan could obviously live alive, but...

Xie Xie studied it and didn't see why it came. He only thought that An Yexuan had deliberately crashed to death.

An Yexuan's mind was full of Yun Bixue's panic eyes today. After he looked at it, he didn't hesitate to hit the old man's car.

An Yexuan closed his eyes and continued to lie silently.

Xie Sixteen let him eat, he was unwilling.

"You let it go, I'm not hungry."

"Eat without hunger."

Xie Sixteen has not yet received Xie Shao's next plan, so she can't ignore An Yexuan, just let him go like this, and it won't work.

Although he was gone like this, she would also be secret, feeling that she killed the enemies for the young lady, but as the shadow guards, their primary accusation was obedience.

Therefore, one cannot mix personal subjective judgments.

Xie Sixteen sat down and said: "I know you want to be quiet and want to be quiet now, but if you don't eat, I can only continue talking here until you are hungry."

An Yexuan then focused his attention on Xie Sixteen.

Xie Sixteen was kept watching like this and jumped in her heart. What she worried most about was what An Yexuan saw.

When Xie Xie wanted to say something, An Yexuan sat up and said, "I'll eat!"

Xie Sixteen was relieved.

An Yexuan was eating quietly, and Xie Sixteen walked out of the door. She looked up at the dark night, and soon received a code from Xie Liu.

Xie Liu told her that Xie Shao's plan for Anjia's home was taken back, and he planned to stay in Anjia's home and let An Yexuan continue to live.

Just let her continue to stare at Anjia staring at An Yexuan.

Xie Sixteen understands that the reason why she still needs to keep staring is nothing more than worrying about what evil night Anxuan might commit again, and also preventing the real Chu Feier from appearing.

When Xie Sixteen knew that the second elder had arrived in the Imperial Capital, he was also shocked, a little flustered, but she calmed down.

She looked back at the closed door, maybe even An Yexuan didn't think of it herself!

His actions today saved himself and the entire family.

Otherwise, it won’t take long for Anjia to disappear from the history of country A.

Xia Junyanwu knew that Xie Limo had gone to the hospital, and quickly left the palace, and let someone drive her to the hospital.

Xia Junyanli looked at his sister and frowned, saying, "Yanwu, Minister Xie went to the hospital, why are you so worried?"

Xia Junyanwu knew that her brother was very clever, and she could not hide some things from him.

But it was not enough to hide, since six years ago, she had broken with her two older brothers, and she didn't care about anything else.

"His Royal Highness, this is my private matter and it has nothing to do with you."

Xia Junyan Li said seriously: "The matter of the royal family is related to each of us, and your image is related to the royal dignity."

Xia Jun Yan Wu narrowed her beautiful eyes and said, "Brother said this wrongly, your image is about the dignity of the royal family, and I won't say it anymore. Minister Xie is an important talent in our country. I care about it. No way?"

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