Listening to the anxious voice of the princess, Wu Yin replied: "It's just that His Royal Highness is with Minister Xie. Huang Huang said that this was caused by the princess. If the princess came forward to clarify, the rumor would be broken without attack."

Xia Jun Yan Wu froze for a moment after listening, "He really said that?"

"Yes!" Immediately afterwards, Wu Yin reported Xia Jun Yan Wu's situation at the time.

Xia Junyanwu patted the table lightly, somewhat discouraged: "Brother is actually bad for me!"

Xia Jun Yan Wu held her head and sighed. This matter made her clarify that she really didn't want to do this.

But her brother said in front of Xie Limo. She clenched her fists and broke the pencil on the table.

"Xie Limo said nothing?"

Wu Yin shook his head.

"He didn't say come to me?"

Wu Yin shook his head.

Xia Junyanwu bit her lower lip and was very angry, "Okay, go ahead first!"


Wu Yin could not understand the princess's mind at this moment, but she understood that the princess's heart to Minister Xie had not changed.

Xia Junyanwu thought Xie Limo would come to her and be questioned angrily. As long as he came alone, she could tie his relationship with herself.

It's a pity that Xie Limo is really unclear, she doesn't know what he is thinking about.

Why didn't she meet him at first?

She was really envious of seeing him so good to his wife.

Xia Junyanwu also thinks that she is better than Yun Bixue, and her identity is nobler than her. Why doesn't Xie Limo look at her?

Xia Junyanwu doesn't understand love at all. When love comes, it's actually the Xishi in the eyes of a lover. There is no good or bad, only that person is what you want.

For Xie Limo and Yun Bixue, they only have each other's eyes. No matter how good they are, they can't be inserted into their feelings.

When meeting the right people at the right time, Xie Limo and Yun Bixue are like this.

Xie Limo became more and more cold after Wu Yin left.

Xia Junyanli understands Xie Limo's inner feelings and says: "My sister is more important, I hope you don't have to blame."

Xie Limo said coldly: "If I must blame?"

Xia Junyan Li froze for a moment, but Xie Limo didn't even sell his face.

Xie Limo said lightly: "Xia Junyanli, your face is not enough. In my eyes, no one is as important as the safety of my wife. You think she has been wronged. One or two sentences from your royal family, I will Can you let this go by?"

Xia Junyanli looked at Xie Limo's appearance. This way of protecting the short, surprised him and made him trance.

"If Yan Wu can come forward to clarify this matter, would you let this matter go so far?"

Xie Li's eyes moved slightly, and he looked deeply at Xian Yanli, "I think His Royal Highness may have forgotten what happened six years ago, so he spoke for his sister this way?"

Xia Junyanli was suddenly blocked by Xie Limo's words, and could not speak a word for Xia Junyanwu.

Xia Junyanwu's expression shook, and the things in his mind were so clear six years ago. He followed Shen Shen and said, "Well, since it was the sister who made it by myself, I wouldn't intervene, say goodbye!"

Xie Limo looked at Xia Junyanli's back and said, "Xia Junyanli, when my wife asked you, you didn't answer. Since then, the voice of your royal family is no longer important to me."

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