Xie Limo's sentence has a deep meaning, that is to say, the royal family's opinions and ideas, as well as the royal family's words, have no impact on Xie Limo.

He would not give any face to them just because he was afraid of the royal family.

Xia Junyanli stumbled, he didn't look back, closed his eyes and sighed.

He knew that Xie Limo could be tolerant of anything, but he only cares about his wife.

In the past, there were rumors in Ning'an City that no one could provoke Yun Bixue, but now he can be seen.

"Is the matter of the giants of the imperial capital relevant to you?"

"Some have something to do with me, some have nothing to do with me."

"You haven't let go of all the families and people who have hurt your wife!"

"You think you have settled down, I haven't let it go?"

Xia Junyan Li's expression moved, he really did not understand why Xie Limo would let go of his home.

Xia Junyan Li had many doubts in his heart. He turned to Xie Limo and said, "You are the Xie clan, you want the whole country A."

Xie Limo looked at Xia Junyanli, and since he had said this, he did not deny it.

Xia Junyan Li Ha smiled, "Then why do you save my father?"

Xie Limo said frankly: "Because he can't die now. Once he died, the emperor will be in chaos, and country A will be in chaos, but his life has reached the limit. I can only let him live a few more months."

Xia Junyanli's face instantly turned white, and he stiffly uttered a few words, "Thank you anyway."

In any case, it is true that he saved his father, even if there are other meanings in it, but if he is saved, he is saved, and he can distinguish clearly.

And Xie Limo was right. If the father suddenly disappeared at this time, the emperor and even country A would be in chaos.

After all, the heir has not yet been determined, and in the current situation, there are indeed many people in the royal family fighting for that position.

And since he chose to go out of the mountain, he will definitely be involved, even if he doesn't want to sit in that position, no one else will believe it.

So he can only go in and out, because he is not alone, and he still has to protect.

Xie Limo walked to Xia Junyanli and looked at him: "You don't have to thank me, because the heir chosen by me is Haoer."


It can be said that Xie Limo's words directly shocked Xia Junyanli, and he could hardly believe what he heard. He looked at Xie Limo's eyes with such seriousness that it didn't look like fraud.

"You heard it right, it's Haoer." Xie Limo continued to say word by word in Xia Junyanli's ear.

Xia Junyanli only felt the sound of his head buzzing, and he dared not even think about such a thing.

Xia Junyanli grabbed Xie Limo's neck, "He is only five years old, you actually hit his mind on him."

Xie Limo patted Xia Junyanli's hand and said: "I know you are very excited, but have you really thought about it for Haoer? If you don't sit in that position, what will Haoer do?"

Xia Junyan Li said in a daze: "Succeed in defeating the king."

"Yes, first when Axue and I met Haoer, he was bullied by a child and was crying. Why did he like Yun Bixue so much, do you know? Because he lacks a part of maternal love, you can't give him everything, then He must be able to protect himself enough."

Xia Junyanli clenched his teeth and insisted: "Even if it is so, it should not be arranged for him!"

"How do you know that this arrangement is not the best, do you still want Haoer to continue to be wronged?"

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