The dark breath of light makes people feel cold, and seems to be more shocking than this storm.

The roar continued, Xie Limo went out step by step, stepping on the footsteps as if stepping on people's hearts.

The heavy rain washed everyone, and Xie Limo seemed to come out of the water, but his breath of darkness was the same.

He has only one direction, which is to go home from the palace.

Because of the attack here, the guards issued emergency orders, and countless guards gathered here to stop Xie Limo.

They were ordered to act, and tonight's task was to stop Xie Limo.

However, Xie Limo once feared to care about it. He threw his whip fiercely and continued to walk forward without letting anyone delay.

Even if he just walked like this, he carried a thunderous momentum, and the strength of one person was unstoppable.

Under the thunder and thunder, everyone looked at Xie Limo and suddenly couldn't move.

There is a kind of person in this world, even if it is just standing and walking, it can make people feel awe-inspiring.

Moreover, Xie Limo has the inherent majesty in her body, which belongs to the superior's momentum, making people involuntarily want to obey and obey.

"Quickly stop him, and don't let him leave."

"Use a gun, use a gun quickly, keep the people alive."

The guards took out their guns and prepared to shoot at Xie Limo.

But before waiting for them to take out and shoot, Xie Limo had jumped up, the long whip was thrown onto the tall tree, swinging from the tall tree, Ling Yue turned around, and his body shape was unpredictable, almost impossible to guess. live.

Xie Liu looked at everything outside in the hall, his eyes a little deep.

Such a person wants to stop Xie Shao, it is really delusional, thinking that year, Xie Shaodan went through thousands of horses and horses, no one can help, not to mention the palace in this district.

Xie Limo, like Hanguang, like a sword, broke out among many guns.

In the dark, the roaring thunder covered up countless gunshots.

In this chaos, the shadow guard led by Xie Wu came to the middle first, just to greet Xie Shao.

He pulled out the gun, and Ling Yue moved, shooting with both hands.

Xie Limo looked at Xie Wu, his expression slowed down: "I'll leave it to you here."

"Yes, Xie Shao!"

Xie Wu and many Xie's shadow guards took cover, allowing Xie Limo to break through the layers of defense, rushed out of the palace, and headed in the direction of returning home.

After receiving the notice, Xia Junyanwu stood up from the chair at once, unable to believe it in a trance.

"He actually broke through the ten thousand guard group I arranged?"

Wu Yin said next to him, "Princess, this just shows that your vision is right."

"Indeed, only Xie Limo can make me think so hard."

"Princess, what shall we do next?"

Xia Junyanwu thought for a while and said: "It will count, so it's just right."

Wu Yin is unknown.

Xia Junyan dance leisurely said: "My father has lived long enough, help him to end the pain tonight!"

Wu Yin listened to Xia Junyanwu's words, and was shocked. She found that she had been with the princess for so long, but she didn't know the princess at all.

But now, they can only continue to follow the plan, they have no way back.

At this time, Yun Bixue was lying on the ground, feeling waves of pain in her stomach.

The servants followed the anxiety and tried hard to appease Yun Bixue, but because of the anxiety, sweat flowed from their foreheads.

Yun Bixue almost fainted, "Is the doctor yet to come?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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