Yun Bixue clenched his fists in pain, and the sweat on his forehead kept falling.

The servants did not dare to gather too far forward, because Yun Bixue had room to breathe.

The two servants took care of Yun Bixue in front and wiped her sweat.

Yun Bixue was confused, only the pain felt by the outside world, and some blackness in front of him.

"Ah... almost... I'm going to give birth..."

"Young lady, young lady..."


"Go check it out, why haven't the doctors come yet, go check it out..."

The housekeeper walked back and forth, and the servants followed her anxiously. The shadow guard was tense in secret.


The thunder outside was even more constant. All the people in the villa were nervous, and even a feeling of panic grew in their hearts.

Each of them knew that if Mrs. Shao had a problem, they would not have to thank Shao to speak. They would use a gun to kill themselves.

But it doesn't matter if they die, but the young lady must be alive.

Because the young lady is alive, Xie Shao will be good.

After taking care of Mrs. Shao for so long, they understood the importance of Mrs. Shao to Xie Shao.

So no matter what, the young lady could not have an accident.

But everyone was nervous, a string was stretched in his heart, and listening to the cry of the young lady, the heart was trembling...

I never felt a voice so numb.

Yun Bixue seemed to be in a dream, in the middle of a mess.

In the misty clouds, Yun Bixue seemed to hear the child's crying. She kept walking forward and followed the voice to find...

I just felt that the crying touched her heart and made her heart ache...

Excluding the mist, Yun Bixue arrived at a bamboo house, a familiar bamboo house, where she had come before.

There was no one in the yard, so she opened the door with her voice and walked in.

Sitting on the bed, the little boy kept kicking, and tears burst into his face.

Yun Bixue's heart twitched, and immediately held the child in his arms, "Baby, don't cry, don't cry..."

"Mommy mommy……"

"Mom is here, don't cry or cry..."

Yun Bixue coaxed the child with his distress.

When the boy saw Yun Bixue, he didn't cry anymore, he grinned happily, then kissed Yun Bixue, shaken and freed Yun Bixue, and went down.

He didn't know where he was on his feet.

After a while, the little boy came over holding a child's hand.

Yun Bixue looked at the little child led by the little boy and was amazed, this... this is?

She didn't dare to think, what the **** is going on?

Two children of the same age, as beautiful as they were, looked at her with a clear and dependent look.

Such a look made Yun Bixue unable to parry at all, only felt that his heart was open.

In Yun Bixue's drowsy sleepy room, all the frightened atmosphere did not dare to come out.

When the doctor came, everyone was relieved and gave the space to the doctor team...

Yun Bixue woke up from a dream after a pain, and her stomach started to hurt. She followed the doctor's instructions, began to breathe, and then exerted force...


The voice of Yun Bixue resounded in the villa, and the thunder that roared outside made everyone's heart tremble.

Xie Limo braved the rain and drove the car to the highest speed, and came to the house regardless of the danger.

He was jumping anxiously in his heart, worried, and the hand holding the steering wheel was tight.

Because his body was soaked, he also wetted the seat, but Xie Limo's eyes were firm.

He murmured in his heart: "Axue, you must wait for me."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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