Xie Limo's face was cold, a few running, taking advantage of the situation, and also jumped up, the long whip in his hand was instantly thrown away, toward the neck of Dong Mujin.

Xie Limo's posture is bound to block the footsteps of Oriental Mujin.

But when he entangled the ship with his whip, and jumped into it, Dongfang Mujin threw out the child in his hand.

Xie Limo can't care about anything else at this time, he can only catch the children first, and Oriental Mujin is also entering the water at this time...

But when Xie Limo hugged the child wrapped in a quilt, he found that there was nothing, it was fake.

Xie Limo held it tightly with both hands, and a feeling of rage and bloodlust spewed out.

I just felt that the flame magma in my heart could not help but spray out.

He shouted to the shore, "Order, use all strength, blockade the imperial capital, the land, sea and air, and find suspicious people, I must report to me."


This time, Xie Limo disregarded anything and used his identity as the young master of the Xie family to issue orders to country A.

Late at night, military generals in the land, sea and air began to dispatch troops privately...

Some important officials, as well as the rich family heads, have also begun to use their personal power...

Moreover, the emperors of the imperial capital have also successively dispatched...

After all, this night, the Three Religions, the Nine Liuliu, and the two followed, because Xie Limo issued orders to the emperor as the young master of the Xie family.

Kang Wang and Huang Wang Ben transferred their troops and Xia Junyan Wu mobilized to meet the power, but suddenly found that the entire emperor was in chaos.

Let's talk chaotically, but in fact everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

This strange confusion makes people feel stunned.

Xia Jun Yanli faced the sky and sighed, "Emperor is going to change."

Kang Wang Xia Jun Yanting shook his head and sighed: "He actually used all the power? Are you not afraid that his power will be destroyed?"

King Kang did not know that there was no plan in Xie Limo's mind at this time. His only purpose was to block everything and retrieve the child.

Even for this, the entire country A was messed up, and his plan was messed up, Xie Limo was hesitant.

It can be said that everything tonight exceeds his imagination, but it also lets him know what he cares about most in his heart.

Even if everything goes against his purpose of coming to country A at the beginning, he did not hesitate to order.

Originally, the night was deep, the cold wind was blowing, and the autumn rain was long, so it was suitable for sleeping and resting, but this night was destined to make everyone sleepless.

Dongfang Mujin was detected by the signal when approaching the Yunbixue ship, and all the shadow guards were dispatched collectively.

When Yun Bixue was caught off guard by the East Mujin, he let a man cover a large net, put the East Mujin to the net, and even locked him with an iron chain in an instant.

Dongfang Mujin did not expect that Yun Bixue even brought this group of people to wait for him here!

Didn’t she just finish her production? How is it all right?

Moreover, Oriental Mujin never thought that the signal that was calculated at the beginning and made an appointment with the second elder would be sent by Yun Bixue to steal the password.

"Yun Bixue, I really have to let people take a look at you!"

Oriental Mujin's eyes revealed a curious and interesting look.

Yun Bixue squinted coldly, stepped forward and grabbed Dongmu Mujin's neck with his hand, and then let people treat Dongmu Mujin like the elders.

He was also locked with pipa bones to prevent him from escaping.

From the beginning to the end, Dongfang Mujin was very cooperative. When the big net covered him, he did not intend to jump out of the sea and leave.

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