Yun Bixue listened to Eastern Mujin's words, and then gave him a cold look, "Stop talking nonsense, what about children?"

Even if Dongmu Mujin was trapped in this way, he still shrugged leisurely and said: "Give Xie Limo."

Yun Bixue narrowed his dangerous eyes, the cold light flashed, pinched Dongfang Mujin's neck tightly, staring at his eyes, "Lying!"

"I really gave it to him. I'm going to jump into the sea. I can't swim with my children, right? Give him."

Listening to Eastern Mujin's words, Yun Bixue pinched the hand on his neck even harder, "still lying!"

" think, if I didn't give him a child, he must continue to kill me, can I still swim here? Naturally it won't work...Cough..."

Dongfang Mujin feels that he is worthy of being a husband and wife. The two of them are ruthless and do not discuss with you at all. I have no reason to kill you.

But it really made him look at each other, it turned out that Xie Limo's eyes were not so bad!

I don't know if he found a treasure.

Dongfang Mujin didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all.

Yun Bixue asked him to lead him into the cabin for questioning.

Then command all ships to return to shore.

Dongfang Mujin, she did not intend to commit suicide privately, but still gave it to Xie Limo for disposal.

When the emperor was in disorder, the palace was bloody.

In the middle of the night, the bells on the imperial high tower rang, three bells... surprised everyone.

The bells of the imperial capital sounded, indicating that the palace of kings had collapsed.

Everyone stopped when they heard the bell, and went to listen to the ringing bell.

Everyone knows that the emperor has really arrived at the time when the mountain is raining.

When the bell struck, Xia Junyanwu held a press conference in person in the middle of the night and broadcast it live.

She wept with tears and told everyone that the palace was gone and her father had gone.

A sorrowful look makes people sitting in front of the news can't help but feel sad.

After all, the beauty's sadness and tears are still distressing and worrying, what Xia Jun Yanwu wants is this effect.

At this time, everyone was asleep, but the bell rang, and everyone got up. Naturally, it depends on what happened in the news.

Xia Junyanwu gained everyone's sympathy in the news and continued: "My father Wang could have lived longer, but tonight he was assassinated."

The following reporter is very timely to ask, "Will Her Royal Highness, who is the person who assassinated the King's Palace?"

Xia Junyan danced sobbingly: "Yes... it's Minister Xie!"

After this announcement, both the reporter and the audience in front of the TV were shocked and could not believe it.

But most of the people who secretly belonged to the Xie clan sneered and would not believe such things.

But ordinary people do not know that they are easily misled.

In addition, in the news, Xia Junyanwu also put out photos one by one, which is a **** scene in the palace, which makes people do not believe it.

Because of a piece of news, Xie Limo was targeted by all, especially the killing of the Temple of Kings.

Although Xia Junyanwu was deeply disturbed in her heart, she told herself that there was nothing wrong with it in order to be a queen.

Moreover, she can't get Xie Limo, then Yun Bixue can't be cheap, right?

Xia Junyanwu feels that she will soon be in control of the entire country A. As everyone knows, she will soon be a princess.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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