Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 1821: Characteristics of two children

The two children were held by Xie Limo in this way, moving their hands happily, babbling "speaking", very happy and excited.

Xie Limo just looked at them like this, his heart was very satisfied.

He hugged the baby for a while, placed them on the large crib next to them, put toys on them, and let them play.

"Baby, see what this is?"

"Babys, this can be played like this."

"This is called like this, is the sound good?"


The servants looked at each other, and they all felt that they didn't understand anything when they were born, but for the first time, they watched Xie Shao treat his children so patiently.

They still remember last night, Xie Shao killed the dark spirit, they now think of it, they still have a lingering fear.

At this time, looking at Xie Shao who is so gentle and careful, they all feel like dreaming.

Xie Limo naturally did not know what the servants thought. His eyes were full of two children, and his eyes were soft and intoxicating.

"Bee yeah..." The little girl Xie Nianzhen tried to stare at her feet to get what his father put.

As soon as Xie Limo approached, she patted Xie Limo's face with two small hands and giggled.

Xie Limo allowed her to "slap" her face just like touching it.

She looked at her more carefully, fearing that she might accidentally fall on her.

Instead, Xie Lingye had been lying there, just blinked and looked at it curiously, not moving.

Xie Limo reached out to hold his hand, teasing him, he did not move.

After playing for almost half an hour, Xie Limo found the personality characteristics of the two children. The daughter was happy, and the play was endless. The son was quiet, and he could lie down without moving.

Regardless of personality, he is his baby, and he will spoil it.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xie Limo thought about the ten o'clock, and he could only let go of the two children reluctantly, explaining to the maid and the shadow guard to take good care of it.

He went to the bedroom again, and tucked Yun Quixue up with the quilt, exposing a small slit in the window to make it breathable.

It was also taken care of before leaving.

When Xie Limo drove to the palace, there were already a lot of people standing on both sides of the street. Everyone was wearing all kinds of clothes in all kinds of flowers in their hands.

Xie Limo knew that the people wanted to see off the monarch's palace. Although this year's monarch's performance was mediocre, he also loved the people.

It was only that he later lost his lover and was hit by a bad health, so he handed over the political affairs, and he was considered a semi-hermit.

Xie Limo knew that the royal family of the Xia Jun family inherited a characteristic of infatuation and loyalty.

Because at this point in time, the streets are full of people, and many people are heading to the palace, and there are traffic jams.

"Xie Shao, there are fifteen minutes left."

Xie Limo looked at the people and went on like this. Although the road was on the road, he couldn't catch up at fifteen.

His eyes flashed slightly and said, "Place the car on the side of the road, and you will walk with me."


When Xie Limo and several shadow guards walked from the crowd towards the palace, he chose a nearby path, but when he found some suspicious people on the road, he knew that there might be some problems.

"Xie Shao, the skill of these people looks like soldiers!"

Xie Limo nodded. "You quickly notify King Kang and King Huang to prevent them from mutiny. I will go to a place."


Xie Limo brought a shadow guard to the place where Xia Junyan Wu was detained quickly.

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