Xie Limo was relieved to see Xia Junyan Dance still intact in the prison inside the palace.

At least it shows that the military change was not planned by Xia Junyan Dance.

At this time, Xie Limo received a call from Wang Qianjin.

"Hello, Xie Limo, not curious why I call you now?"

Now knowing that Wang Qianjin and Yun Bixue are related by blood, Xie Limo is not as repulsive to Wang Qianjin as he was at first, as if facing old friends.

"Wang Qianjin, I can't hide you from anything, but I still want to thank you last night."

With only these three words, Wang Qianjin knew what he was grateful for, but it was because last night he used all the dark guards of the Wangs in the Imperial Capital to help Yun Bixue.

"Xie Limo, this is something between me and Yun Bixue. I help her. It should have been. I won't let her do anything. It's just that you didn't protect her. This is true!"

Xie Limo's face tightened, "I admit, but I will never let this happen again."

"You are Yun Bixue's favorite person. I believe you once. This time I will tell you that the Imperial Capital Dark Guard reported that there were princess Xia Junyanwu's subordinates who were preparing for the mutiny. You are ready."

Xie Limo's expression changed, and he was grateful: "Thank you this time."

"If you didn't assemble all Dark Guardians and Shadow Guardians to protect Yun Bixue, you wouldn't miss such news. I will help you once, but I don't have to thank you."

After Wang Qianjin hung up the phone, Xie Limo decisively let the Xia Junyan dance be forced out, instead he used a stand-in inside.

King Kang and King Huang are arranging the royal family members and officials to lead the palace into the mausoleum.

But they received news from the royal movie guards. While they were preparing, Xie's movie guard also told Xie Limo's guess to the two.

The two can now determine the severity of the matter.

The two looked at each other, and now they could not care about anything else, nor the previous grudges. The two were ready to join forces and mobilize their troops to start arranging everything.

Six years ago, the two were brothers, and they had a very good relationship and full of understanding. After six years apart, the two still had a good understanding.


At ten o'clock, Xie Limo had reached the palace and nodded to both Huang and Kang.


After the master of ceremonies opened the ceremony, the ceremony officially began and headed towards the emperor's tomb.

Haoer wore plain clothes and followed his father, His Royal Highness King Huang Xia Jun Yanli, with a more serious look.

Yes, serious. Although this expression is not suitable for a five-year-old child, now Haoer has such a look.

Xie Limo was also a father. When he saw the five-year-old Haoer, he couldn't help feeling distressed and walked over to touch his head silently.

As soon as Xia Junzihao looked up and saw it was Uncle Xie, he used to find Yun Bixue beside him.

Xie Limo gave him a look silently, and Xia Junzi's vast eyes flickered.

Kang Wang Xia Jun Yanting couldn't help but look back at Haoer. Last night, he was immersed in sorrow. He hasn't recovered yet.

But now looking at Haoer again, he was beating hard in his heart.

Haoer blinked at his uncle Kang Wang, then lowered his head and continued walking.

King Kang's footsteps almost stopped, a slight tremor in the whole body, the look of Haoer blinking just now, reminding him of his mother, it really seemed like it!

Is this kid... really his?

Xia Junyan Ting's heart was beating violently, and he was determined to do the same. Even if some relationship was not confirmed, no matter what happened today, Haoer would not let Haoer show any danger.

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