Huang Wang felt the sight of his younger brother next to him, looked back, his heart moved, his face changed, and then he sighed in his heart.

Perhaps Xie Limo was right, there are some things that are true, someone will always know.

In the future, Haoer will become the king of Kingdom A and become the king's palace. Everything will require him to judge himself. He will one day know who is his biological father.

In the past five years, he was content with the company of Haoer.

On the way, many citizens of the imperial capital sternly saw off with an eye-catching gift, and the team was vast and headed towards the emperor's tomb.

Reporters also scrambled to shoot reports.

When they arrived at the emperor's tomb, the **** team went up one step at a time, and the colder the air as they reached the entrance of the tomb, the autumn wind at the height felt a little scratchy.

Just at the moment when the tomb of the emperor was opened, a gunshot broke the calm, and countless troops began to surround the team.

Especially toward King Kang and King Huang.

The **** team also took out their guns to fight...

"Ah...ah..." Everyone started yelling in panic, some lying on the ground.

The Yellow King immediately ordered that the soldiers leading the **** began an anti-siege.

The shadow guard arranged by Xie Limo has always protected Haoer.

King Kang and King Huang also tried not to stay away from Haoer.

"We follow the will of the king's palace and clean the side of the king."

The Yellow King said dangerously: "A group of nonsense, the Father King has a decree, which round gets your demon words to confuse the crowd, Lu Hongjun listens, and gives me all these thieves."


The Yellow King ordered out and swarmed a large number of soldiers from inside the tomb.

King Kang also followed his orders and sent his troops to capture these villains.

After a fierce battle, the people shouted, "Catch the thief first and capture the king first!"

Xie Limo, King Kang, and King Huang protected Haoer in the middle, and no one could come close.

Although Haoer was only five years old, it was the first time he had experienced such a large-scale battle scene. The blood and gunshots kept making him almost stunned at a young age.

He stood blankly, not knowing how to react.

Even if he was afraid, he did not lie on the ground to hide.

He clasped his two small hands tightly and looked at the front. His small body was also tense and his legs were soft, but he still stood upright.

Dad told him that he would take responsibility in the future if he wanted to become a king or a palace.

So he cannot be afraid, he will protect many people in the future!

No one knows, at this moment, a little child's heart journey, at this time no one knows, this child will become the best generation king in the future.

Seeing more and more people being killed or injured, King Kang rebuked the other party and said: "A person who has no identity dare to speak the Qingjun side without saying anything. Do you want to rebel against the King's Palace!"

"The King's Palace is qualified by our Highness Princess, you are the ambitions, trying to usurp the world!" The other party's voice is very loud, seems extremely proud.

Xie Limo's expression changed greatly, not as bad as he guessed. He and Huang Wang glanced at each other, and then let a man betrayed a woman from the crowd.

"Isn't this the princess you're talking about? Isn't it Qingqing's profile?"

When the other party's head saw that Xia Junyan Dance was actually tied and attached, it was almost unresponsive. "You nonsense, this is not a princess!"

Xie Limo took off the white hat for the woman and lifted her hair away, revealing that face, indeed Xia Junyanwu.

"No... the princess has been saved by me, how is it possible?"

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