Huang Yize's strength is relatively strong, and the strength of the grip is also appropriate, and Yun Bilu has not been hurt.

It seemed that no matter what Yun Bilu made, she just wanted to take her back.

Yun Bilu's face changed, and she could clearly feel that she had just made Huang Zeyi angry.

But seeing him angry for himself, although Yun Bilu felt guilty in his heart, could it also mean that he cares about himself?

In fact, sometimes a woman's heart is very complicated, and she always likes to see that the other person cares about herself.

But in fact, men hide their emotions in their hearts, and only when they are angry, anxious, panic, can they hide their emotions.

It is only when they cannot cover up that women can understand their thoughts.

Yun Bilu was taken away by Huang Yize.

The people in the waiting room watched with wide eyes.

"It turned out to be my girlfriend!"

"This girl is so familiar! Where does it seem to have been?"

"When you see the beauty, you are familiar, hum!"

"Really familiar, will it be an artist?"

"The entertainer has never seen such a smart and beautiful girl. This man is also perfect no matter the momentum and appearance. The two are really seductive together."

"Looking at the two of them reminds me of the time when I was young. How good time is on campus! It's normal for little couples to be awkward..."

Yun Bilu was taken out of the waiting room by Huang Yize.

When Yun Bilu reacted, Huang Yize was already jammed in the car.

"Huang Yize, what are you doing, I still have to take a plane, I want to go home, I want to return home." Yun Bilu grumbled dissatisfiedly with Huang Yize.

Huang Yize didn't care about her, she fastened her seat belt, held the steering wheel, stepped on the accelerator, and drove the car out.

Yun Bilu shouted, "Huang Yize, how can you do this! I'm going back home."

Although she had planned to go back to school, Yun Bilu would not say.

And she looked at Huang Yize's tense expression, and there was still some sweetness in her heart, knowing that he cares about herself.

After a long while, Huang Yize said, "I can't go back to China now."

Today, country A seems calm, but there are still many uncertainties in the situation, and major international forces have gathered in country A.

Moreover, Xie Limo is ready to confront some forces of Xie's headquarters.

Yun Bilu chose to go back at this time. She didn't know how dangerous it was, but he knew.

Say he is selfish, anyway, he will not let her go back at this time.

Of course, Huang Yize wouldn't say it directly. He did a lot of things and he was not good at explaining.

Yun Bilu shouted all the way, "Huang Yize, you are too domineering. If you don't take care of me, you will take no notice of me, and you will drive me away as soon as you come... What do you think of me... and who are you Yeah..."

Yun Bilu shouted and said what he wanted to say, mainly because he was still depressed in his heart and vented at this time.

Huang Yize's expression was tight all the time, his face calm, and even the temperature in the car dropped to zero degrees, and the sizzling coldness came.

Just when the car reached the door of the villa, Huang Yize stopped the car with a brake.

Then he looked away at Yun Bilu in an instant.

When Yun Bilu met his evil eyes, somehow, there was a feeling that the soul was swallowed in, and she suddenly shouted.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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