Yunbi Lu swallowed, "That, Huang Yize, you are too domineering today!"

Although this is said, Yun Bilu's confidence is obviously insufficient, and the voice of his speech is getting smaller and smaller.

Huang Yize's eyes are faint, and evil spirits are raging.

He suddenly leaned close to Yun Bilu, no matter how she reacted, clasped her head and kissed.

The kiss was like a storm.

Yun Bilu took a pain and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could speak, Huang Yize drove straight in, stirring the fragrance in her lips and teeth.

Yun Bilu trembles with a quivering heart, unable to parry at all, and can only be confused and do not know the direction.

It was just a kiss that evoked endless thoughts in her heart.

The depressed mood also disappeared, and the only love in his heart was to him.

Yun Bilu also took the initiative to hug Huang Yize's neck and began to respond.

This kiss has a long-lasting love.

Yun Bilu's body is getting softer and softer, and his body is burning like a flame, panting, he can only whisper: "Huang Yize, Huang Yize..."

"I am here……"

Huang Yize, who was agitated by Yun Bilu's delicate expression, was almost out of control.

He thought that Yun Bilu is now twenty-one, and it will be twenty-two immediately after the New Year, which is not small.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Yize's hand began to undo Yun Bilu's clothes.

When Yun Bilu's skin touched a coolness, she woke up with a shock.

Awake, Yun Bilu was intoxicated by Huang Yize's kiss...

Huang Yize's hand was ignited everywhere, making Yun Bi's heart tremble, and her whole body crossed like an electric current, making her tremble.

This feeling was too strange, and she was overwhelmed by the strangeness.

Perhaps the affection came too fast, Yun Bilu couldn't parry, and didn't know what to do, and the corners of her eyes were drawn with a misty light, like a star.

In Huang Yize's eyes, fragile but delicate and infinite, charming eyes moved.

For a while, Huang Yize took a deep breath when he couldn't control himself, and slightly released Yun Bilu, but his hand was still on her back.

"Bilu, I am your boyfriend, remember, I have the right to control you, you are mine." After the overbearing declaration of sovereignty, Huang Yize bowed his head on Yun Bilu's lips and bit hard. .

Yun Bilu breathed in pain, "It hurts."

"It's the pain that makes you remember, I'm not yours, it's your boyfriend."

Seeing Yun Bilu not talking, Huang Yize meant to continue or bite a few more times.

Yun Bilu hurriedly said: "Remember, you are my boyfriend, you can control me."

Yun Bilu is actually secretly happy. She likes his domineering. He usually hides his secrets. This time the domineering finally makes her feel that he cares and cares about himself very much.

This feeling is pretty good.

"This is good!"

With that said, Huang Yize got off.

Yun Bilu was still sitting there, his expression stunned, and he hadn't recovered from the previous moment.

Huang Yize walked around the car, opened the co-pilot, gave Yun Bilu the safety belt, and pulled her off.

After Yun Bilu got out of the car, her legs softened and almost fell to the ground. Still Huang Yize grabbed Yun Bilu and hugged her tightly.

She didn't fall.

"What's wrong with me?" Yun Bilu whispered against Huang Yize.

Huang Yize leaned his head against Yunbi and said: "You are very emotional, so this is the case."

Yun Bilu's ears turned red instantly.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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