Although the servants and shadow guards were curious and doubtful, they also did their work in a step-by-step manner.

They will not do anything beyond the authority of the master.

Xie Limo had to drive in one direction.

Only halfway he received news from Xie Liu about Qiao Muwan.

After reading the message, Xie Limo changed the direction of his car and went to detain the second elder first.

When the second elder saw that Xie Limo was coming, he slightly raised his eyelids.

In these few days, the second elder felt that he was separated from Xie Limo for several months.

Xie Limo looked at the thinness of the second elder, and a slight arc was raised in the corner of his mouth.

"Second Elder, vitality is tenacious."

The second elder lazily tired said: "Xie Limo, in your hands, do I dare to die?"

Xie Limo approached the second elder leisurely and said lightly: "You dare not die, because if you die, I will not let everyone around you, including your wife and your daughter."

The elders of the two elders were frozen by this tone. This Xie Shao, as an heir since he was a child, was considered to have grown up, and he really couldn't understand his temperament, and he also knew that Xie Limo said the same temperament.

If he does not allow you to die, you will naturally live.

He is a middle-aged man, but he is very vicissitudes, only his former wife and daughter is his weakness.

Although he could not find it, it does not mean that Xie Limo could not find it.

"Xie Limo, what exactly are you here for today? Shouldn't you tell me to reminisce?" Cough cough..." The second elder has experienced a psychological process from the beginning's unwilling resentment to the present calm.

Xie Limo said quietly: "Your wife's surname is Joe, and your daughter I have found it for you."

As soon as Xie Limo's words came out, the second elder stared at Xie Limo with wide eyes, fearing that he had misheard.

The second elder was in disorder, driving the iron chain on his body, and began to rattle.

The information just passed by Xie Liu shows that Qiao Muwan and the second elder are indeed relatives.

In other words, Chu Feier's real name has always been the arbor bowl. Now she has changed her name back to the elder daughter of the second elder.

Xie Liu also scientifically certified this fact.

In fact, he was also very surprised when he knew about this matter, so he changed his way to first look at the second elder.

"How is my daughter? Where is she now? Is she okay?...I..." The second elder asked this incoherently, anxiously worried...

This is the true feelings of a father.

Xie Limo's mouth twitched an arc of disdain, "Why, care now? At first, you took them out as bait!"

"Poof..." The second elder rushed to the heart and spit out blood.

Xie Limo has always emphasized this matter in front of him, making the second elder even more painful.

Seeing that Elder Er's mood was almost stable, Xie Limo stepped forward and squeezed his neck: "Want to know your daughter?"

The second elder nodded busy.

"Your daughter is in the hands of Ye Family, have you been tortured? I don't know. I only know that your daughter has a broken leg and she can't leave. As for her appearance."

Xie Limo looked at the expression of the second elder shocked and couldn't believe it, and continued: "Oh, of course, when you tried to kill my sister in the elders' home and other forces, you never thought that Yejia was actually a hidden family. Come to the door?"

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