Xie Limo glanced at the second elder, narrowing his eyes dangerously, and said: "If you let me spread it, she is the daughter of the second elder of the Xie's Presbyterian Hospital. What would you say?"

The second elder listened to the more painful expression on his face, shaking his head vigorously, "No... you can't do this, please..."

This is also the first time the Second Elder has used Qiu.

Xie Limo was unimpressed. "You know? I have my own dark side. At first, you forced my sister for the sake of power. Have you ever thought about it and today? Huh! I said at that time, Li Zhen’s hatred, I It will definitely be reported!"

When Xie Limo said this, the whole person was chilly, which made people shudder.

The elders of the two elders shuddered a few times, looking at Xie Limo's cold and cold gloom, his lips shuddered a few times.

He has never seen this dark side of Xie Shao, but it is still good to see it.

He knew that Xie Limo said that he would do it, and he began to fear and fear in his heart.

People who thought he was a generation older than Xie Limo had fear in front of him.

Sure enough, the Xie family was really Xie's world, but he understood it was too late.

"Second Elder, you better live alive, after all, do you still have a daughter, don't you?"

Xie Limo's words were naked threats. The second elder dared not say anything. He could only live alive because he knew that he might be of value to Xie Limo.

Before the value is used up, Xie Limo will not let him die, he will live.

Seeing that Xie Limo was leaving, the second elder said anxiously: "The original idea was not mine. Miss Xie's death really had nothing to do with me, and if the Ye family really liked Miss Xie, they would not conceal their hidden family. Identity..."

"I will never let go of anything that hurt her!"

After saying this, Xie Limo's figure had disappeared in front of the second elder. The second elder could only look like a languor.


In the morning, when Yun Bixue woke up, there was no Xie Limo in the room.

She is also not strange, during this time, Xie Limo started earlier than her.

When she finished washing, she didn't see Xie Limo's figure, she frowned, "How about Xie Limo?"

"Recalling Mrs. Shao's words, Xie Shao went out early in the morning. There seems to be something urgent!"

Yun Bixue's expression moved. On weekdays, Xie Limo was busy looking for the heaven and earth spirit treasure, but he would eat breakfast no matter how busy he was.

There must be something really important.

She was also worried about it, but she was not the kind of unscrupulous person, and she would not follow the call at this time.

If Xie Limo wanted to tell her, she would.

She will wait at home.

Xie Limo was not there, and Yun Bixue actually had no mood to eat. She went directly to the baby room to see the two children.

The two children are still sleeping, sleeping very sweetly.

Yun Bixue felt that every time she saw two children, all her troubles could be eliminated.

As long as I see them, I feel warm in my heart. This is the warmth the child gives her.

Looking at their quiet sleep, they felt that they couldn't see enough.

But I have to admit that these two children are really beautiful, and they grow up to be a character of allure.

Thinking about it, she felt very happy. Recently, Haoer often took time to visit them.

She found that Haoer likes Nianzhen especially, and Nianzhen also likes Haoer very much. Does this mean that it is also fate?

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