Yun Bixue knew that Xie Limo was going to deal with this Pang Ping.

It can be said that people are so stupid that they are as ignorant and fearless as Pang Ping, and they almost make people laugh.

Xie Limo was sitting in the study, his face had been so heavy, his body seemed to be shrouded in darkness, cold and cold.

Even the film leader standing beside him was a little shudder.

This film leader is the head of Xie's shadow guard, and also a sharp blade belonging to Xie Limo.

He said to his mother Ji Qiongxin that time, he wanted to make the film's top note and check on the family's affairs.

Anjia's special bloodline implies some unknown secrets. He has some speculations, but he still needs to check it by himself.

"Xie Shao, this is the ancient book you need."

Xie Limo held it in his hand, looked it over, frowned slightly, thought for a moment, and said to the shadower: "You take someone to check the home, check all the sources and the secret of the bloodline, and I will arrange other things. ."

After Xie Limo finished speaking, the film leader bowed respectfully, and then left silently as he had come.

Xie Wu and Xie Liu have been staying outside the study room. They did not know that the film leader was transferred back by Xie Shao.

The film leader is the most powerful existence of Xie's shadow guards. Most people rarely see him, and his ability is not comparable to that of Xie Wu and Xie Liu.

So, this time, Xie Limo called the film leader to explore the mystery of An's family.

After the film leader left, Xie Limo said loudly to the door: "You come in!"

"Xie Shao!"

Xie Limo went straight to the point and said: "At this critical moment, Pang Ping dare to say such words, naturally there is no fear, you find people who come in contact with him, and then exhausted all the nets, and never let go."

Others can target him, but he does not allow Yun Bixue to follow him in any way.

Xie Limo's voice was very cold, giving people a sense of oppression of darkness, which can be felt by Xie Wu and Xie Liu.

I also understood that Xie Shao was really angry this time.

After this anger, it is estimated that some small forces in country A will naturally surrender and respect the power of Xie's.

Just as Xie Limo explained things to Xie Wu and Xie Liu, Yun Bixue knocked on the door.

"Come in."

When Xie Limo saw that it was Yun Bixue, his expression softened, "Tell you, where you want to go in the study, without knocking on the door, how is your health?"

With that said, Xie Limo got up, put the chair next to it, and pulled Yun Bixue to sit on it.

"It's okay, I know what Pang Ping said at the national conference, and the reporters also reported it, which has caused a sensation across the country."

Xie Limo's eyes glanced at the glare, "Don't worry, I said, it won't make you feel wronged."

Yun Bixue was really angry this time, and she did not want anyone to disrespect Xie Limo.

She pulled La Xie Limo's sleeves and said: "I know that I came in for this matter too. Pang Ping represents a part of the forces that do not obey our Xie family. They want to drive us out and cause chaos in the country."

Xie Wu and Xie Liu listened beside them, knowing that Mrs. Young had a good analysis.

Yun Bixue paused and continued: "Since our power has been pulled to the bright side, and since some people are not afraid of tearing their face, then this battle we have to fight, we must fight beautifully.

Yun Bixue said, his expression became cold, and two clusters of flames flashed in his eyes, as if burning.

Xie Limo held Yun Bixue's shoulder and said: "Relax, I have arranged it, and I will finish it all tomorrow."

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