Xie Limo's words were very cold and heavy. Yun Bixue naturally knew he had plans in her mind, and she looked slowly: "Li Mo, I'm going to shoot, kill chickens and monkeys, give me one day, one day later, you follow your plan get on."

Yun Bixue knew Xie Limo's plan to suppress violence with violence, but in the final analysis, it was still his fist.

Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue's eyes and spoiled: "Okay, you let go and do everything, pierce everything, and I will carry it, and in the palace, I also say hello."

Yun Bixue smiled for a long time, "Okay."

Although it was a day for Yun Bixue, Xie Limo also asked Xie Wu to take part of Xie's shadow guards to assist Yun Dong and them.

Deep night

A person wearing a hat and sunglasses appeared in the Pang family.

Ten minutes later, the person quietly left the Pang family.

Pang Ping smiled happily at home: "Let's do some supper tonight."

Mrs. Pang asked, "Is your mood so good today?"

"Of course, huh, I thought Xie Limo and Yun Bixue were who they are. They were not just broken giants. They wanted to compare with me, the master of Xiyin City."

Mrs. Pang didn't know why, and was a little uneasy in her heart. "After I watched the meeting, our national news is all about what you said."

Pang Ping did not take it for granted, "This shows that I have the right to speak, and what I say represents the trend of the entire country. On the day I came back, there were many people who came to bait."

"You said, since Xie Limo can shoot against so many giants, will he?"

Pang Ping said impatiently: "You, a woman, who knows something, eats and eats, you will wait for me to lead our Xiyin City to grow and develop, and then it will stifle you a lot."

When the family of Pang Ping was still very proud on the second day, the whole Xiyin City appeared deserted.

In the whole city, more than half of the industries have been closed, and they have been transferred out.

The reporters awoke from their sleep and began to report the phenomenon in shock.

More people have lost better jobs because most of the company’s industries have left.

Everyone is not stupid and understands that this is caused by Pang Ping's words.

Many people took to the streets to protest, asking Pang Ping to step down.

"Pang Ping is not worthy of being the master of our city!"

"Not worthy, not worthy..."

"It's all because of Pang Ping, who is not self-limiting. What does he count, he really thinks he is the leader of our city! Not self-limiting!"

"It's all because of him. If it's not because of his own words, can our city do this?"

"My son is graduating this year and intends to enter the branch of Xueyue Group. This is a good time. The branch has already been transferred out. Is it possible for his son to work in another city?"

"Who doesn't want children to stay with them, there is still a good job!"

"It's all because of Pang Ping, he protested, he was not worthy to be the mayor."


It can be said that Xiyin City has been closed for almost one night. Many people are willing to relocate with the company. Because they are rich and rich, even other cities have been arranged. Everyone naturally follows overnight. Transfer.

Therefore, the people who stayed can only put their anger on Pang Ping. The good cities are because of him. Most citizens in the whole city treat Pang Ping like an enemy.

When the Pang family knew it, they all blamed Pang Ping, and Pang Ping was frightened and fell to the ground from a chair.

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