Yun Bixue smiled and said, "I don't know if you praise me?"

Because she felt that she had a clue about her mother, she was in a good mood even with a hint of hope.

Just telling everyone at the time that Grandpa was gone, and when she was sad, Xie Limo said that Grandpa might still be alive, and that glimmer of hope revived her spirit, and finally Grandpa was indeed alive.

So at this time she also believed that her mother must be alive.

The surname of jade, it should sound very popular, maybe it is really mysterious and not necessarily.

Hope is always good.

Yun Bixue was in a good mood, and naturally spoke with a smile.

Wang Qianjin's expression slowed down, "Naturally praise you."

Yun Bixue is in a good mood, and Xie Limo naturally follows his mood.

It was only when the three of them were still talking that the cry of the baby came from the second floor.

When Yun Bixue heard the child crying, her heart hurt, and she stood up at once. "How did the child cry?"

Xie Limo said quietly on the second floor, "What's going on?"

A servant hurried out and said carefully: "When I returned to Xie Shao, the two young masters didn't know what was going on. They kept crying and kept on coaxing."

Yun Bixue was distressed and hurried to the baby room on the second floor. He said inevitably, "Is it hungry or sleepy? Still want to..."

Yun Bixue took the lead to the second floor.

Wang Qianjin stood up with some excitement, and the light in the demon's eyes looked toward the second floor.

Rao is no longer able to endure on weekdays, and at this time he was also stunned.

He looked at Xie Limo and said, "I can... can..." In fact, he just wanted to ask if he could see the two children, but because he was too excited, he didn't know how to speak.

If Xie's Shadow Guard is here now, they will definitely cover their eyes. They don't know their young master, saying good demon like fox immortal, ruthless?

It's completely different!

Xie Limo said with a smile: "Follow me on the second floor, they will like your uncle."

Xie Limo said this, indicating that he recognized Wang Qianjin's identity.

Regarding the blood relationship between Yun Bixue and Wang Qianjin, Xie Limo will not believe it for nothing, he will naturally check.

So he has no doubt.

Wang Qianjin glanced at Xie Limo gratefully, and then followed him to the second floor.

Yun Bixue's arm strength is naturally not as good as Xie Limo, so she can only hold one at a time in order not to fall the child.

But holding this, the one crying...

Today, the two children seem to have negotiated, crying vigorously, it is really a headache for her.

"Come on, don't cry or cry, your dad will be here soon."

Wang Qianjin came in and saw the two children crying, somehow, followed by some distress, and when he saw the two dolls carved in pink and jade, he was instantly happy.

This kind of intimate and joyful feeling seems to come naturally from the heart.

Xie Limo held both children in his arms, coaxing gently, and his voice was particularly gentle and moving.

Wang Qianjin looked at this scene and his heart fluctuated. He might really be able to try to have a family and a child of his own.

This was something that Wang Qianjin would never think about.

Seemingly seeing the big beautiful man, Nian Zhen, the little girl, stopped crying in an instant, and looked at Wang Qianjin with wide eyes, babbling and talking, his hands still stretched out.

Yun Bixue exclaimed: "She looks like you hug it! So small, I like beautiful men."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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