Although Wang Qianjin feels happy and soft, he has never held a child.

But because Wang Qianjin is really very beautiful, and the charm is like a fox immortal, the rumors in the south are not false. It is still surprising that the little girl has her own aesthetic conception.

Like beautiful men?

This is the only possibility that Yun Bixue can think of.

Nianzhen's babbled hand reached, it seemed that she really wanted Wang Qianjin to hold it.

Wang Qianjin's expression was also very soft, hugged Xie Nianzhen gently, he didn't dare to use force, for fear of falling and touching the little girl.

Nianzhen was really not timid. She stretched out two small hands to gently touch Wang Qianjin's face, and even sighed with breath, as if with pity...

day! Yun Bixue opened his eyes wide and thought to himself, right?

How old is this child? What is she doing?

And the little girl babbled, but no one really understood her.

Wang Qianjin hugged the two children and said a conversation. He took out the pair of spirit locks of the Wang clan treasure he wore, which was regarded as a gift for the two children.

Although he only met for a while, he really likes two children!

Because of this love and because of this blood relationship, Wang Qianjin is really good for the two children in the future.

Later, when the two children were growing up and on vacation, they often ran into Wang Qianjin across the country to play, of course, this is all afterwords.

Seeing that it was not early, the group was ready to set off.

Xie Limo had already packed Yun Bixue's salute already. He had prepared everything that Yun Bixue might need.

Yun Bixue reluctantly hugged Xie Limo and said, "I will come back sooner."

"Well, take care of yourself, my children and I are waiting for you at home."

Xie Limo was actually the most reluctant person, but he knew that she could rest assured that he was guarding the children at home.

A group of people set off silently overnight, and Rainy Night is also the best way to hide their whereabouts.

Because no one knew the relationship between the Wang family and Yun Bixue, he did not pay attention to this pedestrian.

At more than two o'clock in the morning, the group reached Xiyin City.

Yun Bixue told Wang Qianjin according to the address given by the elders at the time.

Wang Qianjin first asked Wang Ying's shadow guard to check at this address and make sure there were no problems around him. Then Yun Bixue went in and knocked at the door.

However, Wang Qianjin and his team of Wang Yingying were hiding outside, and did not intend to enter.

The door was opened by an ordinary old man, "Who are you?"

"I am the old man visiting, she gave me this address."

"Girl, please follow me."

This is a small courtyard house. After passing the courtyard and entering the main house, Yun Bixue saw an extremely beautiful woman.

With just one glance, Yun Bixue was stunning.

She is really beautiful, the beauty is light and refined, not the elegant and refined camouflage, but really has this kind of breath.

"Yun Bixue, you're here!" The woman looked up and gave Yun Bixue a calm look, a glance in her eyes.

"Yes, you said you want to see me, I'm here, Yundong?"

"The injuries on her body are fine, but she is still weak."

Yun Bixue frowned, she really regarded Yun Dong as her loved one, she was injured, she was naturally anxious, "How did she get hurt? I want to see her."

Elder Ten explained: "She was injured by Xie's and I saved her by accident."

Yun Bixue angered: "Why don't you always let us go?"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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