Xie Limo listened to Yun Bixue's doubts and explained slowly: "After Haoer succeeded to the throne, various countries sent envoys one after another. When Duan Yanhao and Bai Yaoyao came to that time, they told them that if there was any situation, It may go to country X, and the children will give them care for the time being, which basically means that."

Yun Bixue grew his mouth, well, her family Mr. Xie is so powerful that everything can be arranged in front.

She is ashamed.

Xie Limo touched Yun Bixue's hair, "Axue, you are also very powerful. I was just used to education, and I am used to it. I plan ahead and plan everything."

Yun Bixue smiled, "Well, I have a strong Mr. Xie, so I can be lazy."

Xie Limo scraped Yun Bixue's nose and smiled, "naughty."

Yun Bixue was a bit startled. Before being with Xie Limo for a long time, he would also spoil her and said that she was naughty. At that time, the relationship between the two was not so deep.

But thinking about that time, she also missed it, and she felt a little emotional in her heart.

At that time, she liked her family Mr. Xie in her heart, even love, and she did not know.

But Xie Limo was too perfect, too good. In fact, she was timid at the time, daring not to touch or dare to get close.

Looking at it now, he is all hers, which is nice.

As soon as Xie Limo looked down, he saw Yun Bixue smiling like a kitten. Both eyes seemed to be twinkling with starlight. "What do you want? If you don't drink milk, it will be cold."

In order to hide his emotions, Yun Bixue sipped milk.

Xie Limo looked at the milk at Yun Bixue's mouth, smiled gently, and wiped her away. "Drink slowly, nobody will grab you."

He hasn't been so relaxed for a long time. Only Yun Bixue will be in a better mood, and his mood will be lighter. Recently, he has been overwhelmed.

No matter how busy he is, it is not a matter for him. Only Yun Bixue's body makes him worry.

Xie Limo had just rubbed her finger across her mouth. A current seemed to cross her mouth, reminding her that today Xie Limo was only wrapped in a bath towel, her eyes flashing.

Xie Limo lowered his head, "Axue, what was you thinking about, tell me?"

Yun Bixue could feel the breath of Xie Limo spraying on her neck, and her whole body was numb. She stood up at once and placed the milk cup on the table. She hugged Xie Limo's neck with one hand and poke gently with the other hand. On his chest.

In the past, when she was passionate, she didn't observe his body very carefully. What she sees today is the clearest. His figure is really perfect.

Forgive her in front of Mr. Xie, she is still easy to commit nympho.

Xie Limo smiled and bowed his head, said: "When your health is better, eh?"

"I... I don't mean that."

"So what are you thinking about?"

"No... I didn't think about anything, but your clothes look good today."

"My Axue is also very nice, especially the blushing look."

Yun Bixue raised his head and faced the intoxicating light wave in Xie Limo's eyes, bulging his cheeks and said, "Li Mo, you deliberately teased me!"

In fact, Xie Limo deliberately teased Yun Bixue. Recently Yun Bixue's body has been unstable. He is very worried. Sometimes there is a feeling of fear. When teasing her, her expression is vivid and will let him know. , Yun Bixue's life is alive, and the spirit is also very full.

This feeling will make him feel more relaxed.

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