"Axue, dear, go to rest early, get up early tomorrow, listen to me, your body can't toss, eh?"

Listening to Xie Limo's serious words, Yun Bixue met his eyes, where the waves shone, but with deep worry and pain.

Yun Bixue felt a pain, tipped her toes, pulled Xie Limo's neck, and let him bow his head slightly. She kissed his eyes, "Don't be sad, I will be fine, I will always be with you and the children."

With a move in Xie Limo's heart, a deep sea wave appeared, hugging Yun Bixue's waist, and a deep kiss came.

Although it was a deep kiss, but the time was shorter, Xie Limo restrained himself, but was afraid of hurting Yun Bixue.

And considering Yun Bixue's body, it wouldn't work if he had trouble breathing.

Yun Bixue looked at the dim light in Xie Limo's eyes and put his toes on his ears: "Li Mo, when my body is well, I will make it up for you."

Yun Bixue's words are very serious. Obviously it is a sultry word. Speaking it in the most serious tone can make people feel heart trembling.

Xie Limo naturally understood the meaning of Yun Bixue's words. He hugged her tightly and said nothing, and the two understood each other's mood.

The two hugged each other quietly, Xie Limo caressed Yun Bixue's back, "Be good, obedient, go to bed."

"Are you still busy?"

Xie Limo Qingrun smiled, "Not much, I will accompany you later."

"it is good."

And Huang Yize let people arrange everything, leave most people directly and continue to find Yun Bilu, he led Zuo Yi and a part of Yingwei to the direction of Emperor A.

He knew that Xie Limo didn't tell him everything, and Yun Bilu was now, okay, how he was, he didn't know.

He believed that Xie Limo would definitely know.

But Xie Limo hangs on the phone as neatly, and tells him nothing else, and he can't get through on the phone.

He couldn't feel at ease and could only run for himself. In any case, he had to know everything from Xie Li's mouth.

Huang Yize covered his heart, and there was some numbness in his heart. The number of numbness had increased, and he didn't know whether he hurt or not.

But he knew that he was thinking of Bilu every day.

When I didn't know whether she was alive or dead, I was very anxious. I knew she was still alive, and his heart was alive, but I wanted to know whether she was good or not and where she was.

He was going to find Yun Bilu in person. This time, he came to take the initiative, he came to chase, he would not let Bilu work hard again.

It has been said that it is wrong for girls to work hard. In the feelings of men and women, it should be the man who pays more. After all, the girls and girls are weak.

His Bilu worked very hard and was strong. All the sad things were hidden in his heart. He was unhappy and could not be noticed.

She always treats everyone with her happy side.

Even though she is too strong on weekdays, he ignores her feelings. In fact, she will be hurt and sad, and she needs his care and coaxing.

At the time of the Black Dragon Party, he talked a little indifferent in those two times, and Bilu was hurt in his heart, but there was no trace of his face.

He even thought that she would cry to him and make trouble to him at that time. If he blamed him, he might not ignore it.

I remember when he was a child, his mother was also wronged, and sometimes she cried secretly, but every time she saw her father, she would greet with a gentle smile, never mentioning these wronged and unhappy things.

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