Tian Xiaojuan cried, "Let's go, let's drink, drink..."

Lu Maimai nodded, "I haven't drank in a long time, we will not get drunk this time."

"I really hope that after getting drunk, I found this to be a dream. Bixue is still there. We can often visit Nianzhen and Ling Ye."

"The two children are so beautiful, I want to hold them every time I go!"

"Sorry, don't stop me, let me cry again."


Several people's feelings for Yun Bixue are true, they are very reluctant.

In the past, they did not have much status in their respective families, but since they met Yun Bixue, they have climbed up and down. Now they are all important people in the family. Even if they are not heirs, they will later be people with decision-making power.

In this way, they can make up their own lives in the future.

These were brought by Xie Shao and Yun Bixue. They were grateful and never forgotten. They also had strong friendship in the same heart.

But when they suddenly saw the ruins after the explosion, they could not bear it in their hearts, and they could only drink wine to calm down.

Many of the underprivileged students who were once funded by Yun Bixue have played their respective roles in their respective positions. At first glance, I was unbearable.

So their benefactor disappeared?

They were in a panic, but if the entertainment company belonging to the benefactor was still there, and there was no effect, they felt a little more at ease.

I thought, the villa explosion could not explain anything.

But they are really grateful and do not know how to repay the kindness of this grant in the future.

Everyone in Ning'an was even more surprised.

Su Lenghan also learned later.

After learning that, he fell ill directly, just in time for the first snowfall in the winter. He had a cold, fever, and cold, and he became ill and became ill.

But Su Su and Su Mu were terrified.

"Cold, cold, don't scare us."

Su Lenghan coughed, his face pale, and the temperature of the whole person was very high, "Mom, cough... I... nothing..."

"Look at what your child said, how can it be okay? Don't scare me and your dad."

Father Su took hold of Su Lenghan's hand, "Leng Han, it was Dad's previous vision, and you shouldn't let you think about Su's group everywhere before."

Su mother kept tears, "Mom's fault, Mom's fault, Mom should have treated Bi Xue well before, it was a good boy, but cold, you can't leave me and your dad."

Su Mu thought that her son had let go of the past, his son never mentioned the previous things, and never mentioned Yun Bixue, and his life was plain.

But this time, his son learned that the place where the imperial capital Yun Bixue lived exploded and the man fell ill.

She knew that her son never let go, and the one who cares most about her son is Yun Bixue!

Su mother kept crying and looked at her son like this. It was not good to take medicine. The medical team in the village had read it and said Su Lenghan was sick.

"Cold and cold, and Yang Yang, Yang Yang can't live without you."

Father Su stumbled towards the other room, "I go to Yangyang, she is still sleeping."

Su Lenghan suddenly grabbed his father's clothing corner, "Cough, don't... don't hold her over, don't spread a cold to her, cough..."

"Since you are still thinking about Yangyang, you should get well soon. Xie Limo and Yun Bixue are sure that the Ji people have their own looks."

"Cold and cold, they are so capable, there will be nothing wrong, maybe they left our country?"

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