Su Su and Su Mu looked anxiously at Su Lenghan, and every time they thought of the past, they felt uncomfortable and uncomfortable for their son.

When the son is good, they still feel very good, but this time the son is sick, they understand that they still did not let go!

Su Lenghan sighed inwardly. In fact, he also understood that perhaps Xie Limo and Yun Bixue really left country A.

Subconsciously, he knew that the two of them would have nothing to do.

But suddenly he heard the explosion and heard their news. He didn't accept it all of a sudden.

Before, they were in country A. He could still listen to them and continue to live his life. Perhaps later, he would not hear it.

Can only rely on that memory.

Su mother looked at the lonely and dim in her son's eyes and said, "Cold, mother doesn't force you, nothing forces you, as long as you can get better, ah?"

"Leng Han, you have to think about Yang Yang."

Thinking of her daughter Yang Yang, Su Lenghan added a look in her eyes.

For responsibility, for the sake of parents and children, he knew it was still better, and he couldn't be so sick.

"I want to see Ning'an."

When he came to the village before, Su Lenghan was actually an escape. After all, there are too many places in Ning'an City that touched his memories.

But this time when he became ill, he found that if it suddenly disappeared, he had regrets.

He wanted to go back and see where he once lived, where there was a footprint of Yun Bixue.

He couldn't deceive his heart, he didn't forget it, he just wanted to stay in it.

Su mother looked at her son's spirit and quickly said: "As long as you get better, you can go wherever you want."

This time Su Lenghan was really sick, and Su mother and Su father took turns taking care of them every day, but no improvement.

The neighbors came to see them and shook their heads and sighed.

Su Mu and Su Su were really scared.

Yang Yang is now two years old, and will call his father, and he is also a little scared.

Every time she screamed, Su Lenghan would forcefully open her eyes and look at Yangyang. He dared not let people hug her over, fearing that the child would catch a cold.

Su Lenghan even thought that if he had just disappeared, it would be better to leave Yangyang with his parents!

Everyone said that Su Lenghan could not go on like this, so the villagers helped him and sent him to the hospital in Ning'an.

When the nurses and doctors in the hospital department ascended the throne, they saw Su Lenghan's three names.

Su Sha Su Shao, who once caused a sensation in Ning'an?

In recent years, they occasionally think of this person, mainly because Su Lengxian is now a small and famous actor, occasionally acting in a drama, TV series, movies, etc. When they see it, they will think of Su Lengxian's family Su Home, also think of Su Lenghan.

Many things that happened in Ning'an in those years, even after such a long time, will still be remembered.

The climate in Ning'an City is very good now. It is no longer like the black smoke in the past. Although Su Lenghan has passed by, the hospital still pays great attention to his serious illness.

Send a team of experts to rescue.

After Wang Qianjin of the southern Wang family knew about the imperial capital, his appearance did not change, because he knew that Xie Li Moding at most left Yun Bixue with country A.

Grandpa is here, he is confident that he will meet again soon.

Recently, Wang Qianjin was busy dealing with some restless forces in the south, which made him find a trace of fun, and his life was not boring.

Especially looking at the changing faces of those people, it is still very interesting. Of course, his cousin Wang Lishan is now honest, and when he sees him, he instantly becomes a sheep.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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