Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2025: Mysterious in Han Shao's words

Elder Ten felt that Xie Limo had done a beautiful job this time, and he was very happy to fight back.

Of course, it was actually the elders of the Ten who secretly disclosed the news that Xie Limo could arrange it quickly.

Although only one night, it also reflects Xie Limo's courage and ability.

The elders of the elders' complexion can no longer be described by Tie Qing, they are just like frosted eggplants.

The elder ten knew clearly that the killer of hundreds of people was wiped out by the whole army, but it was equivalent to cutting off an arm of the elder's home.

The elder elder came back and glanced sharply at everyone in the room. After a while, he said: "This time someone must have revealed the news."

"Not bad."

"Aren't we present?"

"The plan was originally arranged by us, don't we pit ourselves out of ourselves?"

"Will it be done by the second elder? The second elder has disappeared for so long, and has never appeared. I guess he may have betrayed us."


Of course these people did not know that the second elder at this time had been detained by Xie Limo in a secret place and watched by Xie Shiyingwei.

In fact, they are not clear. Xie Limo also has one of the most important trump card powers and has never appeared.

In addition to Xie's headquarters, Xie Limo also has a base.

Of course, no one will know.


Facing the explosion of Xie Limo Villa, only one person has remained calm and has no strange look from beginning to end.

This person is Han Shao of Han's family-Han Mubai.

In many large-scale meetings to discuss, when everyone scrambled to see the villa after the explosion, only Han Mubai has maintained a calm look.

In this regard, everyone in the Han family admired Han Shao even more.

In their eyes, any decision made by Han Shao never made a mistake.

Therefore, they felt that this time Han Shao did not express any instructions, no orders, and also explained that Han Shao had his own gullies.

Han Mubai continued to read the contract on the desktop. Recently, he is busy handling many things of the Korean family and the company. Even if he is not in a hurry, he has read all the documents overnight.

"Shan Han?"

Han Mubai looked up at his assistant and said gently: "Wu Bi, are you wondering why I am so calm?"

"My subordinates know that Han Shao has plans in your heart."

"Wu Bi, you have been with me for so long, and you know me one or two. I do not do anything and I am not sure."

"Yes, Han Shao, you never miss every decision."

Han Mubai's expression changed slightly, and then calmly said: "Xie Limo and Yun Bixue have great luck, and the two of them are in danger at any time."

Wubi frowned, he didn't understand.

Han Mubai waved his hand and sighed: "Forget it, you don't understand after that. I will go on a business trip for a long time. I will no longer participate in Han's affairs. Anything, you let everyone decide on a meeting ."

"Shan Han, where are you going?"

"I have an important thing that I should do, which came into being."

Wu Bi felt that Han Shao said this sentence very mysteriously, and did not understand where Han Shao was going and what he was doing.

"I should start my journey too, or I can't catch up."

When Wu Bi looked at Han Mubai's already prepared salute in his hand, he was surprised. Does Han Shao look at everything in front?

Han Mubai just smiled faintly, he didn't need to explain some things, many things were explained, and others didn't understand.

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