Han Mubai wanted to leave the Han family temporarily, and did not know who knew it. Everyone in the Han family showed reluctance.

In particular, many other family women who love Han Mubai want to take a closer look at Han Mubai and even confess.

Han Mubai just looked at everyone gently, "Thank you for your love, let's go back! I'm not not coming back, just a longer business trip."

Han Mubai has always been very popular, especially women.

Because Han Mubai has a good temperament, and his character is extremely correct and capable, he is particularly popular with everyone.

The most important thing is that Han Mubai has a temperament that is clear and elegant, and beyond the appearance, people can be involuntarily attracted by his temperament.

"Han Shao, I like you."

"Han Shao, I like you too, I like you the most."

"Han Shao, we will wait for you to come back..."


Looking at the women's confession, Han Mubai smiled slightly and didn't say much, but got on the bus and went to the airport.

In the waiting hall, before getting on the plane, Han Mubai answered a call.

He looked at the number and picked it up, "Mother."

"Are you really coming back?"

Han Mubai's expression was calm, "Mother, isn't this the earliest divination?"

There was a little silence on the other end of the phone. After a while, a sigh came, "You met that girl?"

Han Mubai's expression moved, and his eyes brought a hint of luster, "Well, I met, so mother, I need to help her, don't I?"

"I finally got an identity for you, and I want you to live the life of ordinary people, but I still can't avoid it."

Knowing his mother’s worries, Han Mubai said softly: “Didn’t your mother say that? That girl is equivalent to the scourge I’m going to spend. I need to help her to spend it safely.

After a pause, Han Mubai said slowly: "And mother, you understand this matter, just take a moment to know that she is a good girl, and a good girl is naturally worthy of everyone's help."

"Your temperament is still straightforward. Your mother would rather you bend your bowels."

Han Mubai smiled gently, "Mother, that's not me anymore."

There was a long silence on the end of the phone before the voice came, "Get off the plane, someone will pick you up, don't let anyone know where you are."

"I know!"


Xie Limo, with Yun Bixue and two children, quietly entered the border of country X.

Because there was an invitation letter written by Duan Yanhao, any guard would let them go.

Although it is not very calm along the way, some minor troubles have been resolved, and it is considered to be safe.

Entering country X, Xie Limo didn't rush to see Duan Yanhao and Bai Yaoyao anyway. Anyway, he also entered a safe realm, so he took her to live in a private house.

However, this residential house belongs to the industries of Xie Limo and Yun Bixue. After all, Yun Bixue also has a branch in Country X, and there are still such residences.

Xie Limo quickly arranged for Yun Bixue to rest, "You have a good rest first, I will arrange the rest."

Yun Bixue shook his head, then hugged the two children and kissed hard.

The two children also seemed extremely sensible, and the obedient ones were not troubled.

Yun Bixue felt that her heart was about to split, and she was particularly reluctant to become a mother before she could feel the feeling of being connected.

To separate, she didn't know when she saw it, and she was sad.

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