Bai Qingqing glanced at Yun Bixue on Hanyu's bed and slowly said: "A woman who is too beautiful will always make people tempted. If the general with the army is tempted, he would like to keep two people secretly. It is possible, of course, this is just the mother's guess, but since I saw Yun Bixue, I will be sure that the Yan people still exist."

Listening to his mother's words, Bai Zixun felt a little weird for a while. He knew that the family had been divination and stargazing since ancient times, and it was normal for her mother to know much.

And he has seen many ancient books since he was a child, but the Yan people really don't know.

Looking at his son's look, Bai Qingqing continued: "It's normal for you not to understand. This is also a secret. The reason why you know it is because a hundred years ago, someone in our family knew about it and recorded it. ."

Bai Zixun jumped in his heart, "Are those elite soldiers finally killed by those in power?"

"Yes, even all the documents of the Yan tribe have been destroyed, but no matter how sophisticated the killing will be, some people will flee."

After a pause, Bai Qingqing continued: "Zi Xun, you only need to know this matter, and you can't let anyone know."


"Her system has just recovered, and it has not reached the best level. If it is known to her, it is not good for her. Even Xie Limo, with the internal situation of the Xie family, it may not be able to protect her, or maybe it can be protected. Yes, but you can't take risks, or will your treatment be in vain?"

Bai Mu said it was easy, but Bai Zi Xun listened in his heart, but it was very heavy.

So there are so many things in between.

Bai Zixun sighed inwardly. As a healer, he could only save Yun Bixue, and then only on her own.

"By the way, mother, Xie Limo told me before she left that she wanted to find Yun Bixue’s mother, who was her grandma’s side, saying that Yun Bixue’s mother was Yuqin, and she also used some things. Some ancient characters, I write them down here..."

Bai Qingqing's expression changed, and the expression on her face was changing. After a while, she said: "I guess I should be right, these things are not the hermit family or the power family."

Bai Qingqing is actually very excited. For a long time, she can't calm down. Any mysterious power and family will make people wonder about an unknown and mysterious field.

And she is stargazing to deduce gossip divination, and pay more attention to these.

But she also knew clearly in her heart that the Yan clan's secrets are not only these, but she can only know these.

This child's future life may not be calm!

However, according to her divination and stargazing, Yun Bixue is a man of great luck and has a great fortune, even if something happens, it will be in danger.

It's just that maybe the child will be bitter in the process.

Bai Qingqing patted her son's shoulder. "Relax, she will be fine. Believe the mother. This child has a good heart and has a strong heart. Anything can be overcome. The Yan family! Sure enough everything has its own set."

Bai Zixun listened to his mother's words and was silent for a moment, and said nothing more.

He will listen to his mother about this matter and will not tell Yun Bixue for now. If she needs to know one day, he will.

After thinking about it, Bai Zixun asked: "Can the mother know where the Yan people are now?"

"I think that the whole world may not be able to find a few people of the Yan nationality. The orthodox blood system of the Yan nationality is passed on from female to male."

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