Bai Zixun listened carefully to his mother's words and fell into contemplation. He has also seen many wonderful things from his childhood.

But the Yan people are really curious and beyond imagination.

The blood system of passing a woman but not a man is really different.

Bai Qingqing knows that her son is listening carefully and tells him as much as he knows, "If the Yan family's orthodox bloodline woman, if she has several daughters, she may only have one blood lineage that inherits her Yan's ability. Ordinary people, this is where they are precious."

"Mother, would such a woman be scrambled a hundred years ago, or even a thousand years ago?"

Bai Qingqing smiled, "they look and wisdom and ability in one, naturally have a unique charm, are you worried about her?"

Bai Zixun didn't hide anything in front of his mother. "If you don't hide your mother, you are really worried."

Even if his mother would divination, tell him not to worry, but he still finds Yun Bixue not easy.

But he was worried, he should only save her, and she and Xie Limo could only live together in the future.

Bai Qingqing understands his son's heart.

"I know that when you were in your grandfather's country A, you had seen Yun Bixue and had a good impression on her, so I was willing to come back and save her."

Bai Zi nodded and said, "It's just a few things, but it doesn't look like the other women in the emperor capital. They are not wrong or coquettish. At the beginning, she also told me the pseudonym. At first, she didn't know that she was Mrs. Xie Shao. "

Bai Zixun remembered that at that time, she just thought that this girl was very interesting, and that simple and simple feeling, like that of ordinary people, did not expect her identity to be ordinary.

Bai Qingqing said: "Actually, getting along with people does not necessarily mean that you are familiar with or have a long-term understanding. Some people may also become friends."

"Mother, in fact, she doesn't know my true identity, and I don't want to say it, I just don't want to make her feel burdened."

Yes, Bai Zixun is actually Han Mubai. Mu Family is Bai Zixun's grandfather, and here is Bai Zixun's grandmother's family.

It's just that he grew up in the Han family and was loved.

And my mother also hopes that he can help the Han family stand upright in the imperial capital. This is the latter thing.

"En." The son's gentleman's style also reminded her more and more of Gu Zhengxun. Recently, she didn't know what happened. Perhaps the person was really old, so she became more and more nostalgic.

On the night of the full moon, the moonlight shone on the bed of Hanyu.

Yun Bixue was surrounded by a mass of moonlight, and his whole body was as charming as Yuehua.

Yun Bixue could feel her body very light and comfortable, and then she woke up slowly.

She opened her eyes and looked at the surrounding scenery, and instantly remembered the situation before the coma.

She quickly went to the ground, but found that her body was particularly light and relaxed, and her body was comfortable. This...her body is completely well?

Did Xie Limo find a doctor to cure her?

Yun Bixue is very happy. Now she is anxious to see Xie Limo. She wants to share this joy with him. And she is also worried about Xie Limo. I don’t know what happened to him.

Yun Bixue looked around and found no one. She hurried out and ran into a person.


Bai Qingqing smiled gently, "Wake up? Sure enough, as expected!"

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