Listening to his mother's words, Bai Zixun's expression changed, "Mother, this, what are you saying..."

Seeing that his son was anxious for Yun Bixue and Xie Limo, Bai Qingqing smiled lightly and arranged his son's clothes, then said slowly: "They will be very good, you will understand later."

Bai Zixun shook his head, and now his mother was talking, he understood more and more.

Bai Qingqing smiled mysteriously, "The two of them, together, will change a lot of things in the future, but only if Yun Bixue strengthens first."

Bai Zixun didn't quite understand the meaning of his mother's words at this time, when he later witnessed everything, he would smile and understand.

At this time Bai Zixun took good things out of the mountain gate and followed Yun Bixue and the shadow guard.

If they are in danger or need help, he will appear.

If they went smoothly all the way, he would have been silently escorting behind him and would not appear.

When Yun Bixue went out, it was not the same as when she came. At this time, she felt like an arrow, and only Xie Limo was in her heart.

After a long way, Yun Bixue looked down at himself, and he didn't seem tired.

The light of surprise flashed in Yun Bixue's eyes, his body was really well, and he was much stronger than before.


Yun Bilu returned to the valley, didn't have much rest, and immediately began to train himself. Now every day there will be half a day of basic skills training, and half a day of martial arts skills.

Mainly, she realized that she still had a gap with Huang Yize.

When she went back to make up the exam after the start of the New Year, she certainly could not avoid Huang Yize, so she could only make herself stronger.

Yun Bilu is very serious in one move and one move. Sometimes, she can repeat the practice for a long time.

The weather was obviously not hot, but Yunbilu's sweat dripped down.

The girls who took care of her looked beside them, their eyes were all bright, excited and worshipped......

They have never seen a person like Yun Bilu who works hard to practice martial arts.

Yun Bilu didn't know the thoughts of several of them, just the hard work of ******.

Every time she thought of Huang Yize, she told herself to insist.

One day later, Yun Bilu's practice ended, and she was relieved.

Just after a few sips of water, Yun Bilu saw his master, "Master, why are you here?"

Gu Zhengxun smiled and said: "Tomorrow morning is the biggest market in our valley. Everyone in the valley is buying new year's goods for the New Year. You don't have to practice tomorrow. Let's play with a few girls!"

Yun Bilu's eyes lit up. "The bazaar?" She had never seen what the bazaar was like. She used to go shopping just before going to the mall, or just shopping at the night market.

Gu Zhengxun looked at the bright light in Yun Bilu's eyes and smiled: "Tomorrow you will see if you go to play. This is the card Master gave you. Buy whatever you want."

Yun Bilu felt warm in her heart, remembering what was fun when she was in school as a child, the parents of the classmates would come to the school to give the child money, only she worked hard to save, not willing to spend.

"Master, I have money here, I can just buy it myself."

Gu Zhengxun deliberately raised his face, "The elders give it away, if you take me as a master, take it away, as a child, you should enjoy everything the child has."

Yun Bilu took over, "Master, you are so kind, like a father."

"Haha, Master is naturally the role of father. You only know now that it is really a silly girl."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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