In Gu Zhengxun's eyes, Yun Bilu is like his daughter.

"Your girl doesn't understand. In ancient times, Master accepted his apprentices as children, but now very few apprentices say, but we still keep this rule, since we are Master's apprentices, that is Master. Daughter."

Yun Bilu was very warm and warm in her heart, and she had an urge to cry. She never knew how fatherly love felt.

She will be very good to Master in the future.

Gu Zhengxun is also very pleased. If he and Qingqing were not separated from the beginning, would his child be as big as Bilu?

After all, there are now apprentices and daughters.

The next day, Yun Bilu followed the girls in the valley to the bazaar. As soon as she walked to the bazaar, she saw people full of people, from the long street to the end of the street, which was particularly spectacular.

Yun Bilu opened her mouth wide and exclaimed, "Is this the fair?"

"Of course, every time the New Year is approaching, there will be such a large market in the twelfth lunar month, everyone can buy new year products here."

"People in the valley can buy a lot of things at this fair, so that they don't have to buy things in the New Year."

Yun Bilu soon looked at the girls and bought them together, and all the troubles seemed to have been forgotten.


Yun Bixue and Yingshou quickly passed through the woods and returned to the town outside the forest. The two rested for one night. The next day, Yun Bixue was ready to set off as soon as possible.

While arranging the schedule, she called Xie Limo's private number, but when she called, the phone beeped.

Hitting again means downtime.

Yun Bixue almost anxiously dropped her phone.

Seeing Xie Limo, she began to panic.

But she tried to keep herself calm.

Since the mobile phone could not be reached, she asked the film leader to contact Xie Limo with the signal of Yingwei.

"how about it?"

"Xie Shao cannot be contacted at all."

Yun Bixue's complexion changed, "How could this happen? Has this happened before?"

Ying Ying shook his head, "No, our signal to contact Xie Shao is unique, and no one can destroy it unless..."

"Unless what?"

Looking at the expression of Mrs. Shao, the film leader said: "Unless Xie Shao himself interrupted the signal to contact me. If his subordinates guessed right, Xie Shao may have to protect you, Mrs. Shao."

Yun Bixue shook his head, "No matter what happens to him, I will always be with him and shoulder to shoulder with him."

Before her health was not good, she couldn't help him much. That was no way. Now that her body is well, there is no reason to shrink back. She doesn't want to be protected by Xie Limo, but she just stares at him. thing.

Yun Bixue thought for a while and said, "Since Li Mo can't be contacted, then I will contact my mother."

The film leader knows that Yun Bixue's mother refers to the mother Ji Qiongxin.

The film leader hesitated, but he didn't stop it. Now, the young lady's strength and ability, he also saw it.

Especially in the forest, when encountering beasts or snakes and the like, the young lady can easily solve it. He even thinks that although the young lady does not seem to be particularly unique at present, the potential must be quite a lot, and may even be better than He is the first of its kind.

He also hopes to return to Xie Shao and protect Xie Shao.

Yun Bixue had just planned to take out her mobile phone to dial, and she involuntarily read out Ji Qiongxin's private mobile phone number in her mind.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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