When the meditation came out, even Yun Bixue was stunned herself. Was her memory so good? Why didn't she know before?

In the past, when she wanted to call her mother-in-law Ji Qiongxin, she had to turn over her mobile phone to find the number.


Yun Bixue's face was a little white, and his expression was a little surprised. The whole person held the phone as if it were still, like a sculpture.

The film leader looked at Mrs. Shao not quite right, and said, "Mrs. Shao, what's wrong with you?"

He felt that Xie Shao kept him, and he had an obligation to take good care of Mrs. Shao.

Yun Bixue heard the sound, and suddenly shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I will call my mother to see if I can find Li Mo."

Yingshou also wanted to find Xie Shao as soon as possible. As the head of Yingwei, his belief was to protect Xie Shao.

Xie Shao could not be reached, he would feel that the whole person was empty and had no direction.

Yun Bixue's heart quickly jumped a few times. She thought her body was better and her memory might have improved. It was always a good thing. She had nothing to worry about.

Now the only person she cares about is Xie Limo.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Bixue calmed his emotions, then quickly pressed a few numbers on the phone, and then listened in his ear.

Somehow, her heart was a little nervous, for fear of being the sound of shutdown again.

When she heard the sound of getting through, Yun Bixue's tense heart eased. Fortunately, it got through. She was just nervous and terrible just now.

Although the call was made, no one answered.

Yun Bixue was anxious, and she continued to fight. Although she seemed calm, she already had waves in her heart.

Yun Bixue was walking back and forth while holding the phone, and his heart lifted up.


When hearing this long-lost voice, Yun Bixue's voice shook a little, "Mother, it's me, Yun Bixue!"

Ji Qiong was slightly surprised, and seemed to deliberately lower his voice: "Bi Xue, why did you call your mother?"

Yun Bixue didn't turn around and directly said: "Mother, I can't contact Li Mo now. I am worried that he can only find you."

Somehow, she just listened to her mother's voice and felt that something was not right. This kind of error made her panicked and worried that there would be nothing wrong with Xie's headquarters.

"Bi Xue, it's okay here, don't worry, you take care of yourself first, go to a safe place, I will let Li Mo find you."

"Mother, did something really happen? You told me that I was worried about Li Mo."

Ji Qiong's voice was very low, and he seemed to be holding back something. "Child, now it's not time to say this, you should find a safe place to let the film leader protect you, don't be impulsive, and don't take it easy."

Yun Bixue was shocked. How did her mother know that she was with Yingshou? That means Li Mo returned to Xie's headquarters?

I remember that Aunt Bai said before she came, that she had the divination, Xie's headquarters might have a problem, and Li Mo's relatives seemed to have encountered something, and he had to go back before he had to go back.

Connecting everything, Yun Bixue's heart was raised.

"Mother, I want to be with Li Mo. I want to be with him. I can't hide. I'm not afraid of danger. Moreover, my mother is in good health now."

Ji Qiong sighed, "Child, you are the most uneasy person in Li Mo's child. As long as you are safe, it is the most important thing. You still have children."

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