Xie Limo was carrying Xie Cangyao, while protecting his father, while stepping on the killing.

The silent killing was accompanied by a cry.

Yun Bixue took the shadow guards quickly toward the inside, but Xie Limo was not found.

Just when she was very anxious, she smelled a strong **** smell.

This **** smell is very strong, apparently just emanating.

Yun Bixue looked at the film first, "Did you smell it?"

The filmer nodded, "Young lady, I smell a **** smell, it should be in the north, there should be something there."

The other movie guards also nodded. They are all top killers. They are naturally the most sensitive to **** smells, and they can smell a little bit.

Yun Bixue's face condensed and sank: "I think, Xie Limo should be over there. Let's hurry up and use the fastest speed. I'm afraid of him..."

Fearing him, Yun Bixue didn't say anything. She just bit her lower lip and calmed herself.

However, there was a trace of confusion in her heart. She was afraid that Xie Limo would be in danger and that he was not optimistic.

After all, he and his father have been in the dark hall for a long time.

Yun Bixue thought, his heart was raised in his throat, and he jumped out quickly, running quickly, and now he could not care about the organization.

However, thanks to Xie Limo's destruction of the organization along the way, Yun Bixue's pedestrian ran up without much delay.

Yun Bixue said silently in his heart: "Xie Limo, you must be good, you must protect yourself, and I will help you..."

Perhaps it is because the strength of concern is very strong, Yun Bixue has realized the potential of running, and the speed of running is also extremely fast.

Even Yingweimen was left behind by her.

The film leader said to other film guards: "Xie Shao must be in danger, let's hurry!"

At this moment, everyone quickly mobilized the potential, ran up lifelessly, and ran towards the place where the **** smell radiated.

With such a **** smell, Yun Bixue can be regarded as the way to guide them, naturally faster.

Yun Bixue smelled the **** smell getting closer and closer, she finally saw the person in front.

Looking at the person standing in front of him, although he was carrying a person, although he was covered with blood stains, Yun Bixue recognized him at a glance.

Xie Limo!

No matter what he becomes, she can recognize it.

Yun Bixue jumped out in excitement, her eyes were hot, and she even wanted to cry. She really didn't know what to thank, so Xie Limo was still alive.

She's here, and he won't let him have an accident.

So many people assassinated Li Mo, **** it!

The blood on her began to surge, she wanted to kill those who wanted to kill Li Mo, they dare to treat Li Mo like this!

"Li Mo! Li Mo!..."

Yun Bixue cried with joy.

Xie Limo's body has been holding on, but for the father behind him, he does not give up.

When he was very tired, he seemed to hear a phantom sound, the voice of Yun Bixue.

He thought that the body might be really extreme, otherwise there would be no hallucinations.

Xie Cangyao felt so bad about his son's pain, he was thinking about solving it by himself, not being a burden to his son, but he heard Yun Bixue's voice.

No one knows that Yun Bixue's cry almost saved Xie Cangyao.

At least, Xie Cangyao didn't want to commit suicide.

But after a while, the real organ of the dark hall began to start, and the ground of the dark hall began to be drawn from the middle.

The ground just cracked from the direction where Xie Limo was. At this moment, Yun Bixue felt that her heart was almost stagnation. Her startled face was pale and her face trembled.

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