Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2086: It's like this when we meet again

Yun Bixue only felt that his heart had never been so sad at this moment, and the inch was split and the pain was terrible, as if something was tearing her.

This pain is like a huge hammer head hitting the heart, and the head is humming and it starts to hurt violently.

There was a sweet smell in her throat. In this second, when Yun Bixue's heart and soul were almost fragmented, she shouted, "Li Mo, don't..."

This sound with a cry of extreme pain, fragmented, with a trembling broken sound, rang all around, and also let Xie Limo know that it is not auditory.

A complex feeling spread from Xie Limo's heart, but it was spreading pain.

In this second, with Yun Bixue's loud cry, she also jumped and ran a few steps without thinking.

And Xie Limo also cut off the rope with a sharp blow, and immediately threw his father out.

When Xie Limo fell into the crack, Yun Bixue jumped frantically, grabbing Xie Limo's arm all at once, and she almost jumped down with him.

Although Xie Cangyao was thrown to the side by his son, the head of the Xie family was not useless. He grabbed Yun Bixue's feet and temporarily held Xie Limo and Yun Bixue's falling posture.

This meeting gave the film leader time to quickly rescue Xie Shao and Mrs. Shao.

The other shadow guards brought by Yun Bixue even entered the fight, blocking all the people who were crucial to Xie Shao and Mrs. Shao.

Yun Bixue's body was almost stiff and her face was even whiter, but when she saw that she had seized Xie Limo, she still showed a faint smile.

She didn't think about anything else, just wanted to grab Xie Limo and wanted to be with him.

He knew that she missed him so much, but missed him, but did not expect it to be the case when they met again.

Yun Bixue couldn't help it. A tear fell and fell on Xie Limo's face. The hot Xie Limo's heart tremble.

Xie Limo looked up at Yun Bixue deeply, almost thought it was a dream, but such eyebrows were so clear, but she was thin, and her face was not very good. Seeing her cry, he wanted to reach out and care for her .

He knew how thrilling that moment was, this fool, just skipped over and grabbed him just like he didn't want to.

It was really a hit, if the father didn't catch them, he and Bixue would fall down, and the dense stings below were all inverted, and once dropped, there would never be a live mouth.

Yun Bixue felt sad and even afraid. She looked at Xie Limo, her familiar eyebrows, her thoughts were tight, and her tears flowed quickly.

She could not care about anything, but if she thought of it if it wasn't for her to come down in time, if he was close, would he just...

Thinking of this, Yun Bixue did not know whether it was angry or angry.

Xie Limo didn't feel much bitter these days, but when he saw that Axue, who loved him, was crying so hard, and weeping silently, and dripping on his cheeks, he felt how painful and bitter in his heart, and those who loved him. Son!

He is bad.

For a long time, she always felt that she would follow her and return to Xie's headquarters.

Xie Limo blamed himself for himself.

After Yingshou was careful to drag Yun Bixue and Xie Limo together, he felt a cold sweat coming out of his back.

It was really very dangerous just now. As a movie guard, he didn't dare to think about it.

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