As the head of the Yingwei, Yingshou experienced many things, but none of them was scary.

Even his habitually indifferent person was shocked with sweat, and his heart is still beating, and his brow is still jumping suddenly.

After Yun Bixue came up, he gasped for a moment, and he couldn't care about anything else. The flying knife in his hand began to send out violently, destroying all the buttons that could be opened.

The shadow guard she brought was desperate to fight these killers, killing each other.

When they think of the scene of Xie Shao and Mrs. Shao, they are crazy killing...

Rao is the killer of the other party who is calm, and is also frightened by this scene. What kind of shadow guard is this, is it a madman, madman who sees blood crazy.

The shadow guards brought by Yun Bixue were very desperate to kill the opponent's killers, and the situation changed for a while.

Xie Limo was a little dazed and looked at Yun Bixue, but she was the softest place in his heart. In these days, every time he was in trouble, he thought of her, and his heart did not feel bitter.


Xie Limo just wanted to say something, Yun Bixue turned to stare at him, Qingli's eyes were full of deep affection, but in this affection, there was a trace of grievances, the look of grievance, let his The heart is like a knife cutting.

Xie Limo couldn't bear it anymore, holding her in his arms, "I'm sorry, sorry..."

He sniffed her breath and kept saying sorry, kissing her hair almost greedily.

Both were sitting on the ground, just a thrilling scene, and Yun Bixue's body collapsed, so leaning in Xie Limo's arms was soft and calm.

Xie Limo couldn't control his hands, tightly closed his arms, getting tighter and tighter, almost wishing to rub Yun Bixue into his bone blood.

His thoughts are even more crazy, even worse than Yun Bixue, but Xie Limo is often forbearing, and everything looks cloudless and breezy.

But those feelings, thoughts and even strong feelings that have been suppressed in his heart for too long, once released by him, will be like volcanic flames, and no one can bear it.

In front of Yun Bixue, Xie Limo is mostly a gentle side. There are very few cases of overbearing cruelty. That is because he has been suppressing his heart and holding on to the crazy emotions, fearing to scare the people he loves. .

He wanted to say, Axue, you know how much I love you.

But for the rest of this life, he couldn't say anything.

All he knew was that when he saw her, all the wall barriers would collapse, and his heart would only become soft.

Of course, for her, he can ignore blood and killing.

Yun Bixue was almost breathless by Xie Limo's hug, she felt tightly hugged, she could also feel Xie Limo's emotion without asking, he seemed to be suppressing something, and his body shook slightly.

In fact, she should be afraid afterwards, what is he like?

Yun Bixue also blamed Xie Limo. This blame was inexplicable. He was in danger. He almost failed to protect himself.

The emotion was inexplicable, she was sad, crying silently, and the tears penetrated into Xie Limo's clothes and penetrated his chest.

Yun Bixue said in a muffled voice, "If you're in trouble, I said I won't live alone. When it comes to doing it, who makes you not care about yourself."

Xie Limo followed with another pain in his heart, closed his eyes and muttered: "silly girl, really silly."

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