Xie Limo felt that his heart was a mess, and she was also distressed.

Maybe I just want to hold her like this until the sky is gone.

Yun Bixue listened to the loving tone in Xie Limo's words and broke free of his strength, looking up at him.

Xie Limo sighed, bowed his head and kissed Yun Bixue's tears, his eyes with helplessness and affection.

Yun Bixue met such a long-lost gaze, and her tears flowed even more. She really missed him and missed him.

People's feelings are really strange. She doesn't know how she became like this. She just loves and loves.

"Good boy, I'm bad."

Xie Limo just wanted to coax her and not let her cry, but she was a little helpless.

Xie Limo had just taken a heavy blood and a killing spirit, and he could be gentle like this when facing Yun Bixue. In this way, the free switching mode would only be revealed naturally when facing Yun Bixue.

Of course, the secret killer, forced back by Xie's shadow defender, the killers fell down like this quickly.

It was also at this time that these top killers realized the power of Xie's Shadow Guard.

They didn't know that the training of Xie's shadow guards was the best voluntary, and it was also the top method in the world. These killers, even if they are one-on-one, are incomparable with these shadow guards.

In particular, they have just killed their masters. They are not as desperate as you are!

Some of these killers looked at Xie Limo inadvertently, and their eyes were about to fall. It was really horrifying.

The bloodthirsty men just like that in the dark Shura, and the horrified people shuddered, when they treated a woman so gently.

Does this mean that Baishen Steel is turned into a finger-like softness?

Sure enough, this is the best example.

Yun Bixue wiped his tears with his fingers, "I blame you, naturally you are not good, you do not protect yourself, if you have something, what should I do?"

Yun Bixue said this, Xie Limo even blamed himself. It was indeed that he was bad and not prepared enough.

"But I don't blame you. I know, you can't help yourself, but I'm still scared. When I think about it, I will..."

The feeling just now, maybe only those who have personally experienced it, will understand how it feels like it's despairing.

Fortunately, he is still alive, just a false alarm.

Yun Bixue can actually understand that Xie Limo's feeling of anxiety and depression when she was not in good health before.

"Good boy, don't cry, don't cry..."

Xie Limo's mind was a little blank at this time, and she just coaxed her overwhelmed, just like coaxing a girl.

Yun Bixue is also contradictory in her heart. Her head is still buzzing, and it hurts a bit, but everything is not as important as him.

She can smell his breath and hold him, which is nice.

In fact, she also likes the feeling of being treated carefully by him and being spoiled by him, so that she can truly feel that she is his treasure.

Yun Bixue sucked his nose, "I don't cry, as long as you are good, I'm not afraid."

Yes, when you become stronger and fearless, you will still have weaknesses. That weakness is the person she cares about the most.

Xie Limo looked at her and still sighed, "Hey, just like a child, just jumped over regardless."

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