Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2126: One of the four major families

Hearing the man’s words, Shui Qianqian was almost surprised, Shangguan? It turned out to be one of the four families of Shangguan family?

The Shangguan family belongs to the sphere of influence of Dongzhou, State M, and has great appeal and prestige.

This... Shangguan light dust in front of him seems to be very good, but I don't know if it is the descendant of the Shangguan family.

To be honest, Shui Qianqin has some mixed tastes in her heart. She didn't expect that when she met each other, she would meet people from four families.

I heard before that the Shangguan family was reluctant to enter the Chaotang. Rong Jin thought of ways, but it was useless.

Shui Qianqin's expression changed a few times, and the hand under the table also played with it, thinking about something.

Shangguan Qingchen looked at the **** the opposite side in a funny way. It should be called a girl! The pureness is full of gorgeousness, very beautiful, and with a hint of cuteness.

Unexpectedly, the blind date met such a girl.

Originally a blind date on behalf of a friend, he should report the name of the friend, but for some reason, he sent his name out.

Shangguan’s surname is known to everyone in country M. I believe the girl in front of me also knows.

But in anticipation, the girl's performance was relatively calm. Except for the subtle expression on her face, she could hardly see anything strange.

And there is no such fiery look that knows the Shangguan family.

Generally speaking, the girls he met would show him a hot admiration, but the girl in front of him did not go.

So it made him feel more interesting.

Shui Qianqin was a bit confused, and now it is not just a matter of blind date, but her queen met someone from the Shangguan family, one of the four great families.

Now it's a little tricky, and I don't know how to get along.

She had promised Sister Bixue to perform well.

Shui Qianqin thought for a while and then looked up at Shangguan Qingchen, and found that there was a flash of smile in his eyes.

Is it a smile? She read right?

Shui Qianqin felt a little guilty in her heart. She was afraid of making it a political issue. "That, hello, my name is Ye Shui. For the first time, please take care."

She used the name she would use when she went to university in country A, Ye Shui.

Shangguan Qingchen lightly smiled, and laughed out loud, said: "Don't be nervous, I'm not so terrible."

Shui Qianqin smiled awkwardly and said, "That, in fact, I am a bit scary, I am a bit ugly, don't you mind?"

In country M, few people know that there is a mark on her face, and her few appearances in front of the public also covered the mark with her hair.

Shui Qianqian took the initiative to show Shangguan Qingchen his mark, and hoped that it would be time to close it now. Don’t let the other party see her identity. It is better to leave the other party as soon as possible.

It's just strange that Shangguan Qingchen just looked at the imprint of Qian Qian Qian, and said: "Girls' inner beauty is more important."

The water was stunned, what does that mean? Does the other party care about her imprint?

To be honest, at this moment, Shuiqianqian was a little moved.

"Well, don't you care? It looks as good as you look. If you bring a girlfriend who doesn't look good, you will lose face?"

In fact, when she asked this sentence, she also wanted to see what the answer was in the man's heart.

Shangguan Qingchen looked at the serious look of the girl in front of her and thought for a while: "Miss Ye Shui, do you think you will become my girlfriend?"

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