Shui Qianqin was asked directly by Shangguan Qingchen, sitting in a daze for a moment, almost forgetting how to react.

This... this... Shangguan Qingchen didn't play cards according to common sense.

This time, she asked back the question, which became her question.

And how can she answer such a complicated question?

For a time, Shui Qianqian was really embarrassed, lowering his head and stirring his fingers, "That, Shangguan light dust, I...I..."

Shangguan Qingchen looked at the girl's reaction in amusement and chuckled: "Don't worry, just make a joke."

Shui Qianqin smiled awkwardly, "Are you thirsty, what do you like to drink?"

Shangguan Qingchen smiled faintly, "Just feel free."

Shui Qianqin asked the waiter to come over, ordered a cup of coffee, and placed it in front of Shangguan Qingchen.

Shangguan Qingchen felt that getting along with people had never been so easy, but it was a bit comfortable. The girl in front of her was quite interesting.

Shui Qianqian promised Sister Bixue to make a date with her, but the atmosphere was awkward now, and she didn't know what to say.

As a queen, Shui Qianqin first thought of the Shangguan family, one of the four great families.

Almost every word she said and every question answered, she thought of the political relationship between the Queen and Shangguan family.

So I can't relax.

But Shangguan Qingchen is still relatively humorous and gentle like jade. The whole person feels warm and comfortable.

Shui Qianqian couldn't let go at first, but after chatting for a while, she also began to laugh and gradually let go.

"You really don't care about the girl's appearance!"

Shangguan Qingchen's mouth twitched slightly, "I don't care, but I feel that you are actually very beautiful, but it's just an extra mark. Have you heard a story?"

Shui Qian Qian stunned, "What story?"

"This story is about the seal of the vermilion. There were once a pair of people who loved each other, one was a demon witch, and the other was a righteous son. The two disregarded the world, insisted on falling in love, but were hunted down by the devil one after another. In the end, before the end of life and death, the two met for reincarnation to continue together... So after reincarnation, the two only recognized each other by the mark of blood."

Shui Qianqin listened with relish, and suddenly felt very interesting, "It turns out that you guys can also tell such a love story."

"What are you guys?"

Shui Qianqin said, "I always feel that you guys disdain these loves and loves. I always like to focus on career and family as my responsibility."

Shangguan Qingchen looked at some depressed girl, Qingrun smiled and said: "People are not generalized."

Shui Qianqian suddenly thought of the mark on his face and the cinnabar between Rong Jin's eyebrows. Does she have anything with Rong Jin?

With this idea, Shui Qianqin's heartbeat began to accelerate, and there was a faint thought flashing in his mind.

Suddenly, she actually wanted Rong Jin, and did not know what he was busy with now.

At this time, Rong Jin, sitting in the chair where Shui Qianqian once sat, had a condensed face and a cold air, like the Arctic glacier.

Since all the maids and guards in the palace have been changed, everyone dare not show up.

I always feel that Master Zuoxiang pays special attention to the Queen, and they don’t dare to neglect Her Majesty even if they know that the Queen does not have much power.

What's more, the Queen is now more and more loved and liked by the people.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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