Xie Limo made a decision in a short period of time, that is, if he could delay more, he would like to give his wife some happiness.

Since the two are together, there is not much time to spend with her purely.

Especially during this year, she has been pregnant and gave birth to children, and has experienced many things. He has always been ashamed in his heart.

So now that she is so happy here, he will give them more time.

Xie Limo did not return any news, he did not return any news, I believe that Blood Shadow will continue to support everything.

Waiting for it to be really unsustainable, he will go back.

Xie Cangyao and Ji Qiongxin have completely resigned. They like it here and integrate into this simple rural life.

The two have sacrificed so much for Xie, and have been busy for most of their lives. Now is the time to enjoy life with ease.

So all of Xie's has him to bear.

Xie Limo was originally a person with restrained emotions, so this news did not let anyone know whether to eat or eat, and to accompany his wife.

Although it is a country house, Yun Bixue also decorated the interior with fresh and beautiful flowers, and various flowers were placed on the window sill. The air also exudes a faint fragrance.

Yun Bixue was busy watering the flowers and looked back at Xie Limo. She felt something was wrong.

"Li Mo, what's wrong with you? Did something happen?"

Xie Limo shook his head, "How could something happen, it is because the beautiful lady in my family sees God."

Yun Bi Xuejiao said: "You are now more and more sweet words."

"Don't the lady like it?"

Yun Bixue pretended not to be happy, but she couldn't help raising her lips, showing her good mood.

Yun Bixue kissed the corner of Xie Li's mouth, then quickly backed away and continued to water the flowers.

When watering the flowers, Yun Bixue thought about it and jumped in her heart. She always felt something was wrong. The two had been together for so long. She also understood his emotions and mood.

I always think that Xie Limo seems to have something to worry about, but it seems that he does not intend to say.

Yun Bixue is also a little worried about Xie Limo. She is also extremely intelligent. They seem to be carefree here, but they still have to return to Xie's headquarters.

She always felt that things might have something to do with Xie's headquarters. Perhaps the blood shadow had solved everything and they should go back.

Maybe it's something wrong with Xie's headquarters.

Yun Bixue thought about it, when watering the flowers, the water was exposed in the flower pot, too much, she hurriedly tidy up.

After finishing, Yun Bixue was sitting in the yard, looking at the sky, a little dazed, she thought, no matter what, if Xie Limo didn't say it, it would be useless for her to ask.

Moreover, her worries cannot tell Ji Qiongxin that she might be affected by her mother-in-law's good mood.

So she can only find an opportunity to ask Xie Limo by side-by-side and get to know more.


Somewhere in the valley

Yun Bilu is discussing martial arts with Gu Zhong's friends, her posture is more and more agile and sensitive.

Every time she learns, Yun Bilu can show a cheerful laugh, because she finds that she is really improving quickly.

Gu Zhengxun saw this scene and nodded his head in satisfaction. The apprentice was really good, his ability exceeded his imagination, and his progress was also rapid.

He also became more and more certain that Bilu's system was absolutely special.

Yun Bilu played with each other and ran happily, "Master, how am I doing?"

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