Gu Zhengxun said with a smile: "The performance is very good, the progress is also fast, and it is inseparable from your efforts."

Yun Bilu was praised by Master and felt that his efforts were not in vain. "Thank you Master, I can have the present and I am thankful for Master’s teaching."

Gu Zhengxun looked at the optimistic and positive Yun Bilu and thought for a while: "Bilu, don't you find that your progress is so rapid, in fact, it has something to do with your system."

Yun Bilu froze for a moment, and then looked down at himself, looked up from his feet, and looked at his hand, "Master, my skin looks much better, is it related to the climate in our valley, just the system, myself Didn't find it?"

Gu Zhengxun pointed to the stone bench next to him and asked Bilu to sit down first, "Do you think that if your system is not special, after your high-intensity exercise, you can still recover so well the next day? You think, if it is Your system is not special, will you progress so fast?"

"But Master, I have put a lot of effort into it."

In Yun Bilu's mind, she couldn't attribute her progress to the system. If so, wouldn't her efforts be in vain?

She is used to getting things by her own efforts, just like the progress of martial arts, if she worked hard to make rapid progress, she would have a sense of accomplishment.

Gu Zhengxun shook his head and smiled lovingly: "Practicing martial arts requires a good system. If you are not a good man, no matter how hard you work, you will not progress so fast."

"Does Master want to say, I am a genius?"

Gu Zhengxun smiled, took a sip of tea, and nodded.

Yun Bilu is a very self-regulating person. She thought for a while with her cheek: "Since Master said so, then I believe it, and I think that progress is good, and I should be happy."

After a pause, Yun Bilu said: "Master, you said that my system may inherit the blood of my mother's side. Can you help me find clues about my mother?"

Gu Zhengxun thought for a while, put the tea cup down, and looked at the distance with a dim gaze. After a while, he said: "Yes, Master walks for you."

"Are you going to find the divination person?"

Gu Zhengxun knows that this girl is very clever, "It can be said that Master came here today to tell you something."

"what's up?"

"Your school starts on the 9th day of the first month."

After Gu Zhengxun said this, Yun Bilu suddenly stood up, staring at his master with wide eyes, "Master, wouldn't be kidding? How could there be a school on the 9th day of the first month, ha ha... "

Speaking of the school, Yun Bilu's heart suddenly began to beat, because she would involuntarily think of Huang Yize.

During this time, she didn't think about him deliberately, but she couldn't help herself, people's thoughts could not be controlled.

Sometimes when she dreamed back at midnight, she would think of the lights of the villa and dream of Huang Yize, who was leaning by the window.

Sometimes in her sleep, she also dreamed of the scene where she started chasing Huang Yize. He was very cold and cold. Sometimes she would wake up crying.

Sometimes I also dreamed that she was swimming in the icy sea water... very scared and panicked, not knowing whether she would survive.

When she wakes up in the morning, she will use a lot of energy to relieve that mood, and then actively participate in the day's training.

She was almost beating herself hard, because she was so exhausted and sleepy that she would not think so much.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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