Many people know that the dean's daughter Fan Jiaojiao, this woman is arrogant and arrogant, almost no one dared to provoke in the school, and thinks that she is very beautiful, and also favored by many boys.

But Fan Jiaojiao is too arrogant and doesn't take anyone's eyes. She is jealous of people who are prettier than her and looks down on people who are not as good as hers.

But she is the dean's daughter, and there are other backstages, so no one dares to look down upon her, and no one offends her.

The girls can hide as far as possible from Fan Jiaojiao, and most of them who can't hide are patting her ass.

And such a person was suddenly removed from school one day, and was notorious. At that time, many people were happy, and finally they did not need to see Fan Jiaojiao.

I really didn't expect that such a wonderful person could be the emperor and young man, the male god!

"You may not know that it is because Fan Jiaojiao offended Huang Shao and wanted to seduce Huang Shao to be like that, so it is best to be warned."

This sentence said that there was no intention to strike a thunder on the heads of the girls. They collectively shivered several times, and their hearts shook several times.

Fortunately, fortunately, they just had a bit of thieves, but they didn't have that guts. They will definitely not go to Yun Bilu in the future, let alone the emperor.

In the face of the male gods of this level, they still look well from afar, and some are better than none.

They comforted themselves and dispersed quickly, fearing that it would be late, the young emperor would turn around to see that they were not pleasing to the eye, and they solved it together.

Before, everyone didn't know the identity of Huang Shao, and everyone had speculated about it, but since people can kick the dean, it means that the background is tough!

Since the young emperor can't falter, they can go to Falcon Bilu.


Yun Bilu returned to the dormitory, looked at the clean dormitory, a little trance, remember that before many vacations, Huang Yize helped her clean up the dormitory.

He is always so neat and clean, no matter how messy the dormitory is, he can be neatly tidyed up, and her bed, he can give her a very good tidy.

In fact, when she returned to school, she knew clearly in her heart that there are so many memories of her and him. It is impossible to think about him without thinking about him.

Thinking about it, Yun Bi was a little bored and uncomfortable.

She turned on her mobile phone and saw that the dormitory group had exploded. It was all information from a long time ago. The three of them looked for her for a long time, but her mobile phone number was changed.

Yun Bilu suddenly felt that it seemed that the three would return to Xingshi to blame her.

In the afternoon, Xiaohuan, Chuxin, and Xiaonan returned to the dormitory one after another. When they entered the door, they saw Yun Bilu and went straight to hug, followed by "Ghost crying wolf howl", saying how unconscionable Yun Bilu was. They disappeared and did not tell them, they were so anxious.

Yun Bilu can only coax the three of them.

In fact, because of the good feelings, everyone cares about each other, and Yun Bilu also feels guilty, making them worry for so long.

"Bilu, you are cruel enough, you can't see if you can't see it, you can't find it. When we took the winter vacation test last year, we met Huang Shao."

"Yeah, he invigilated the exam at that time, and the whole person changed a lot, feeling haggard and lonely. When we look at him like that, we think you are gone, and it must be related to him."

"It's normal to have conflicts between couples, but I didn't expect that one day our family Lulu really will die of the Emperor."

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