The three Xiaonan said, all in their own emotions.

"I think that Huang Shao was the male **** of our entire school. It was cold like a fairy. No one can get close. Who can think of such a haggard feeling, it is unbearable to watch it!"

"What does this mean, the male **** has fallen into the world, and he has seven emotions and six desires."

"I think it's our little Lulu who is so powerful and controls the male god.

"You can't say that. How much effort did our little Lulu pay. Who knows the sadness and hard work, and it is normal for Huang Shao to be upset and sad. Why is it our little Lulu's devotion!"


The three discussed in turn, and Yun Bilu listened in his ears, feeling a little uncomfortable.

In fact, when she heard that Huang Yize was haggard and lonely, she felt a little bit soft and distressed. After all, she was a person she loved very much. She knew that he was not good and she would be distressed.

But she also remembered what Master said, she couldn't just accept others, as that would only put her in a more humble position.

Now she is just alive, if she really died in the sea because of Huang Yize and because of the Black Dragon Party, how sad should her loved ones be!

So Yun Bilu is constantly self-hypnosis, so that she keeps her heart calm, otherwise she would have gone to Huang Yize regardless.

The three of them were still discussing the heat, but when they found that Bilu didn't say a word, they looked at her expression and found that Bilu was very wrong.

"Little Lulu, what's wrong with you, don't scare us."

"Yeah, Lulu, are you in conflict with Huang Shao, or are you guys?"

"Little Lulu, your expression makes us very scared. If you have any unpleasant things, tell your sisters that they are angry for you."

Yun Bilu listened to the three people's words and was very worried. She hesitated for a long time before slowly speaking: "There are some problems between me and Huang Yize. For the time being, I don't want to be involved and connected with him. The specific reason is that I I won’t be able to say it for a while, I hope you can understand me."

Although Yun Bilu spoke very calmly, Chu Xin could see that she seemed to endure great pain.

She said nothing and hugged Yun Bilu directly, "Bi Lu, if you want to cry, just cry!"

"Little Lulu, we will always be your best friend."

"Hey, Bilu has always been working hard. Although Huang Shao seems to care about you, but you are so spoiled, Huang Shao will often take your pay for granted, and you will be wronged naturally."

"Xiao Nan, say a few words."

"Okay, in the future, no one in our dormitory will mention the emperor."


Yun Bilu was lying on Chu Xin's shoulder, thinking of the fear of that day, thinking of being chased that day, thinking of her solitary unsolicited help, thinking of the cold sea, she was exhausted...

Yun Bilu thought about it, and tears could not help crying again.

In fact, I didn't want to cry before, but held back. At this time, under the soothing voice of a good friend, the emotions in my heart could no longer be hidden, and a brain vented.

Yun Bilu's tears scared the three people in the dormitory. In their impression, Bi Lu never cried. She was always optimistic and positive, always infecting others with a smile.

After three years of college together, they had never seen Yun Bilu crying, so when they saw Yun Bilu crying, the three of them felt particularly uncomfortable.

Also followed the eye circles reddened.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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