Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2174: Can be wayward, can be arrogant

Huang Yize even sighed: "Stupid girl."

Although he muttered to himself like this, there was a deep affection and love in the words.

Huang Yize then tucked Yunbilu's feet up, touched her cold hands, put them in the palm of her hand, and warmed her.

In this way, Huang Yize looked at Yun Bilu without blinking.

Looking at Yun Bilu's frowning eyebrows in a lethargy, Huang Yize felt that his heart also followed.

For the first time, he realized that he was deeply in love. When you saw that the other person was uncomfortable, he was uncomfortable and saddened than her.

He also felt for the first time that a real distress can make people feel bitten.

I have to say that, in fact, during this time, Yun Bilu is no longer emotionally passive.

Now that she is active, Huang Yize has become a passive position. Although it was at the cost of the injury between life and death, at least it will be treated sweetly in the future.

In the past, Yun Bilu always acted too sensible and would not be injured. Now, Huang Yize understands that she is only a little girl, and will also be injured, sick, and vulnerable. He ignored her before.

Huang Yize kept looking at Yun Bilu, in self-reflection.

Yun Bilu's eyebrows were always wrinkled in her sleep, because her stomach was very cold. Although she had dripped a bit, she had not fully recovered. She even dreamed of the sea water that day, and her body was getting colder and colder.

Yun Bilu did not know how long she slept and was very uneasy. When she woke up suddenly, she saw Huang Yize looking at her worriedly, her hand still on her forehead.

"It turned out to be a dream."

This unconscious murmur made Huang Yize's heart tremble, and he couldn't help but bow his head to kiss Yun Bilu's lips, and even bit her with a tooth, "This is not a dream." , I’m by your side, silly girl, always makes me worry."

Yun Bilu remembered at this time, her stomach hurt badly, her stomach was uncomfortable, she had vomiting and diarrhea, and she was taken to the hospital, but she clearly told Xiaohuan to let her go and say to Huang Yize. He has eaten there.

Why did he come to the hospital instead?

"Why are you here?"

Huang Yize sighed: "Is it right? I'm sick, and I don't plan to let me know?"

Yun Bilu lowered her head and bit her lips.

Huang Yize knew, he guessed right, "Girl, you know, you are more important than me, if you have something, what should I do?"

"It's just that the stomach is not good, it's okay."

Huang Yize held her hand tightly, "You are still brave and can't drink cold, why don't you tell me?"

"That, I think I can drink it."

With that, Yun Bilu was about to get up, and Huang Yize put a pillow on her back, and hugged her tightly, saying, "Girl, you are my whole, don't be brave, you can talk to any girl The same way, you can be wayward, you can be arrogant, I will spoil it, do not be so hard."

Yun Bilu's eyes flashed through the luster of the stars. She had always tasted Huang Yize's words in her heart. She liked to listen.

In the past, he never said that.

Maybe she was really tired, she closed her eyes and leaned in his arms and said: "I am hungry and want to go to your meal."

Let’s just let them go and see how he will spoil her to see if he will pamper her as he said.

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