Yun Bilu was so docile and weak, Huang Yize didn't dare to hold her hard, as if he were treating a fragile doll.

He patted her back gently, deliberately lowering her voice, and gently said: "I'm hungry, I'll take you home for dinner, but is your body uncomfortable?"

Huang Yize was not a gentle person. He had been very quiet since he was a child, and his voice was like a cold jade, with a cold air, but it was also cold.

But for Yun Bilu, he deliberately lowered his voice, although not the normal gentle voice, but it was extremely magnetic and moving.

The cold people, when they say gentle words, are enough to move people's hearts.

For Yun Bilu, it is exceptionally beautiful.

She likes Huang Yize like this. Such him makes her feel very close to each other, intimate sense of distance, and makes her feel warm and a sense of security.

In fact, Huang Yize also wanted to take her back, but still worried about Yun Bilu's physical condition.

Yun Bilu shook his head and dumbly said: "I don't like the smell of disinfecting water in the hospital, I want to go back."

Yun Bilu was so weak with a coquettish tone, and Huang Yize's heart softened. It seems that now Yun Bilu asked him to pick the stars, and he could pick it hard.

"Okay, if you want to go back, I will take you back, but you wait for me first, and I will ask the doctor." Huang Yize was very temperless, and at this time he wanted to follow Yun Bilu and spoil her.

This is the feeling and reaction of Huang Yize's physical and mental instincts, and there is no need to think at all.

Yunbi nodded, and she was lazy and weak anyway, and didn't want to move.

Huang Yize gently put Yun Bilu there and sat down, asking a few words, and then hurried to the doctor's office.

He would like to ask about the specific circumstances of Yun Bilu's body, and whether he needs to pay attention to it, whether to use medicine, or to hang a bottle, and what to pay attention to when eating...

Huang Yize has never taken care of others, he is also learning, but this time, he will think of everything he can think of and ask the doctor carefully.

This is for the female doctor, looking at the young man who is so attentive to his girlfriend, still very enthusiastically tell him to pay attention to this, pay attention to that.

"In the future, you can't drink cold water, eat cold, and don't eat cold food when eating..."

Huang Yize wrote down seriously, and treated Yun Bilu, he was more serious than anything.

"Doctor, Bilu her, her body was not like this before, why is there such symptoms now?"

The doctor sighed: "Your girlfriend has been cold before. It should have been in the cold water for a long time. When I came, I asked. She also admitted that according to her situation, it is a life. Dangerous, but fortunately, your girlfriend treated her body in time, which is not a big deal, but you should also take care of yourself. You must take it seriously."

Huang Yize listened, his face turned pale, and now he understood that the reason why Yun Bilu was like this, also related to him, was the cold she suffered when she jumped out of the sea.

Huang Yize frowned tightly, and his palms also sweated, apparently worried about anxiety.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Keep it well. No problem, not to mention that your girlfriend system is also good, and recovery is also very good."

"But I don't want her to hurt again."

The female doctor smiled, "Since you are so nervous about your girlfriend, you will treat her well in the future. The woman is strong and fragile."

Huang Yize nodded seriously, "I will."

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