Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 2176: Things to pay attention to taking care of girlfriend

In his life, Huang Yize's only real contact with women was Yun Bilu.

Yun Bilu also opened his emotional path, before he did not have much concept of girls.

He also remembered that when he was a child, he had some vague memories about his mother. The mother later became weak, but every time he saw his father, he pretended to be strong and used rouge powder to cover the haggard on his face.

Thinking of this, Huang Yize's heart is a little uncomfortable, he will not let Bilu like this, he will take care of her.

"Doctor, is there anything else that needs attention?"

"Young people, it’s a good thing to hurt your girlfriend. Now you don’t understand as much as you do. You don’t want to think about it. In fact, all you can accompany you all your life is a partner. If her body is good, she will not be able to take care of you and spend time with you. Is it long?"

The female doctor also thought that Huang Yize was a reasonable person, so he said so with a long-term focus.

Huang Yize didn't have any impatience, he wrote them down one by one.

He naturally understood that the doctor was right. He hurt his partner when he hurt him. He sighed at the lonely figure of his father.

The feeling of loneliness is uncomfortable. Especially in the first few months, Bilu was not found. He couldn't sleep all day and all night.

Now that he sees Bilu and can still hold his girl, his heart can be settled.

Finally, after thinking about it, the doctor said: "There is another thing that is more important, that is, when the woman is on the moon, you must pay attention to keep warm, do not touch the cold water, and pay attention to eating, eat more nutritious blood... if you really care She, you can remember the time of her month, and pay attention to it in the next few days..."

The doctor was actually not very embarrassed to say that, but after seeing Huang Yize listened so seriously, there was nothing embarrassing after listening.

Huang Yize didn't really have common sense in this respect. After listening to the doctor, he suddenly realized that girls are so fragile. No wonder they are all as precious as flowers.

But before, he never took care of her deliberately, understood her, cared for her...

I remember one time, Yun Bilu seemed to be washing clothes when it came to the moon...

Thinking of this, Huang Yize could not have slapped himself.

After thanking the doctor again and again, Huang Yize went back to the ward and saw Yun Bilu leaning against him again, and he approached quietly, looking at her eyebrows and expression, and pale to make him feel bad, he looked at the girl She also felt a lot thinner.

Huang Yize thought secretly that he must make up for Yun Bilu.

Yun Bilu was asleep, and when she heard a subtle voice, she slowly looked up, "Come back?"

Huang Yize touched her cheek and said, "Well, I am back and can be discharged from the hospital, but there are many things to pay attention to after you are discharged. You have to listen to me."

"it is good."

In fact, Yun Bilu knew what to pay attention to. When she was in the middle of the valley, Master let her carry her back.

In fact, it was delicious to eat ribs rice made by Huang Yize at noon. She ate a lot of cold milk in the afternoon, so it caused a bad stomach.

In the future, pay attention to it, in fact, there is no big problem, but she sees Huang Yize so nervous, knowing that it doesn’t work.

Huang Yize had already discharged Yun Bilu from the hospital. He looked at the weak Yun Bilu and squatted down directly, saying, "Come on, I will carry you downstairs."

Yun Bilu shook his head, "This is not good, it will be seen by doctors and nurses."

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