Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4750: The Wind Chime of Memories (25)

Huang Qingdie covered her heart to jump out, thinking of Ying Qianxi, and felt a little pain in her heart.

It’s really painful to feel like a person, but I don’t know if I can be together, I don’t know the other person’s mind, and I’m cranky.

Huang Qingdie was really uncomfortable this time. She couldn't help but like a person and couldn't help thinking about this feeling of like.

But that person is far away from you, but feels very close.

Because I might like it, I had a strong idea of ​​wanting to be together, but she didn’t know what Ying Qianxi thought.

Maybe the other party just regarded her as a child?

This distressed feeling is too uncomfortable, what should she do?

And if she sends a message to Ying Qianxi, what will he do if he does not return?

So she did not take the initiative to contact timid.

When you are confident and carefree, you will feel timid and think about it when you meet someone you like.

This feeling may only be understood after experience.

No wonder everyone says that growing up will be troublesome.

At this meeting of Huang Qingdie's trance, there was a restlessness outside the campus, and a car stopped not far from the library.

This car is low-key and luxurious, and Huang Qingdie knows that it is worth a lot at a glance.

Followed by two cars, the bodyguards lined up first, and many girls started screaming beside them.

"Ying Qianxi, Ying Qianxi..."

Huang Qingdie realized that this was Ying Qianxi's car.

She looked from a distance, a few steps away, but she gave birth to too much sadness.

Huang Qingdie couldn't help looking away. She didn't seem to see him for a long time, it was really a long time.

The time I spent before seemed to be a long time ago, like a dream.

Although she knew that Ying Qianxi wouldn't see her, she looked over there nervously.

Is this tension a feeling of throbbing secret love?

Although Ying Qianxi's itinerary was very low-key, almost no one knew about his coming here.

But his reputation is very high now, people who want to know his whereabouts will always know, this will be too many people around the library, the bodyguards have to line up to get Ying Qianxi out of the car.

Ying Qianxi got out of the car, and screams and cheers came and went.

Huang Qingdie looked at Ying Qianxi, and her heart jumped again several times. She really liked it. What should she do?

He was still so handsome, wearing a black trench coat, wearing sunglasses, and simply standing, he could form the beauty of a dusty picture scroll, elegant and expensive, unpretentious, and not tainted with the world's red dust.

His face was perfect and impeccable, Huang Qingdie's breath was a little suffocated, and his heart beat again and again.

She looked deeply.

I don't know if I felt it. Ying Qianxi looked towards Huang Qingdie in this direction.

Although they were separated by sunglasses, Huang Qingdie felt that the eyes of the two people met in the air. She felt as if she had been electrified all at once, and her heart was beating too fast.

She wanted to walk towards him, and there was another feeling of running away.

She even thought that Ying Qianxi would come towards her as before, maybe touch her head, or talk to her gently.

But no, not really.

Ying Qianxi withdrew his gaze, as if he had just landed in a random place, and then he entered the library along the direction of the bodyguard opening.

Huang Qingdie's bright eyes gradually dimmed, just like her dark mood, her heart hurts, what should I do? It really hurts.

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