Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4751: The Wind Chime of Memories (26)

Huang Qingdie clutched her heart and worried about the painful position, it was very uncomfortable.

It turns out that this is how I like someone. I don't know what to do if I like it. I don't dare to get close, but I can't get away from it because in the world of feelings, the human heart is the most uncontrollable.

Huang Qingdie stared staringly at the direction of the library. There was no Ying Qianxi, but she seemed as if he was there.

Looking at it, the look was trance.

For a long while, Huang Qingdie took a deep breath, turned around, and walked forward step by step as if she had filled with lead.

At this time, Huang Qingdie seemed to have no sense of direction, walking forward step by step, and gradually her vision was blurred.

She doesn't know why she likes Ying Qianxi so much, which is different from the past.

She is greedy now and wants to get more attention from him and wants to be with him.

She felt uncomfortable in her heart, but wanted to cry but could not cry.

After he got into the car, Huang Qingdie curled up in the back seat, covering her heart, where it hurts, and she couldn't help it.

She didn't understand how other people's feelings were controlled and why she couldn't control them.

She picked up her cell phone and wandered on Ying Qianxi's number, trying to call him, but she still held back.

She didn't know who to talk to in this mood.

Ying Qianxi, Ying Qianxi, she kept reading in her mouth as if she had been thinking all the time, that kind of heartache would only feel better.

Finally, she took out a book and wrote Ying Qianxi's name on it.

Writing, writing, Huang Qingdie still stopped.

There was no feeling of going home this way before, but only today, the sadness of her heart is so obvious.

Until the airport, Huang Qingdie looked back and didn't want to go, as if there were people she didn't want to leave in this city.

Although it is just going home, this feeling is still so obvious.

The sad feeling, looking at the blue sky and white clouds and the wind blowing, are all sad.

She wanted to stay close to Ying Qianxi.

When she was in the crew before, Ying Qianxi was by her side. She didn't understand what kind of feeling that feeling was.

But then I went back to school and met Ying Qianxi again today. She was sure that she was moved.

She responded to Qian Xi's heart.

If it was before, she can be bolder, but now Ying Qianxi has such a reputation, popular all over the world, and many people like him.

And people like them generally don’t fall in love?

Huang Qingdie thought irrationally, more and more uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but pay attention to Ying Qianxi, checked his information on the Internet, looked at his picture, took it on her mobile phone, and found that she became more and more like it.

After returning home, Huang Qingdie didn't relax.

Yun Bilu didn't notice her little daughter's emotions, she just said happily: "Little Butterfly, your sister is going to bring her boyfriend back, your sister is really in love, she doesn't even say it during the New Year, hurry up a bit."

Huang Qingdie looked at her mother, who was still favored by her father at this age, just like a girl. She couldn't help thinking about Ying Qianxi.

A person as good as him, who looked after her at that time, would take care of people. If there is a loved one, he still does not know how to treat her well.

After thinking about this, Huang Qingdie was uncomfortable. She wanted to be with Ying Qianxi. It really seemed to be together.

She just wants to be with the people she likes and should be happy every day.

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