Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4752: The Wind Chime of Memories (27)

Huang Qingdie was sitting on the sofa, just in a daze.

And her mother was talking happily, "Xiaodie, do you know how your sister and her boyfriend are in love together? I am very curious, and it feels as if I have returned to my youth when I was young. With your father..."

Huang Qingdie listened to her mother's words, but she couldn't listen.

What she thinks in her mind is Ying Qianxi. Sometimes people's feelings can't be controlled and their thoughts can't be controlled. Thinking of a person is really thinking.

Her heart was uncomfortable.

Huang Qingdie didn't know that at that moment, Ying Qianxi saw her.

After entering the library, the outside was blocked, and Ying Qianxi went directly to the third floor of the library. From the upper floor, he could just take in the view of the campus.

He stood by the window and looked at Huang Qingdie, watching her stoop down, and watching her dragging the suitcase step by step toward the outside.

Ying Qianxi's eyes glanced over the glare, like a mist, making people unable to discern his emotions.

Lin Zhuo next to the school student union, this time responsible for entertaining Ying Qianxi.

"What are you looking at?"

Lin Zhuo looked at Ying Qianxi's eyes and looked at the window intently, as if there was something attracting him or the scenery outside the window.

In his impression, this Ying Qianxi was indifferent to everything, and seemed to have no interest in anything.

He looked in the direction of Ying Qianxi, "doubt, isn't that tilting butterfly?"

Lin Zhuo saw Huang Qingdie's eyes also lit up. He looked at Ying Qianxi without saying anything. He didn't seem to object to what he said. He continued to say: "Speaking of this school girl, it is really a genius and supernatural talent. The students who come up are the first in every homework, learning to master the gods, the key is to have a long and beautiful personality, and there are really many people who like her, but the school girl seems to have a good character and seems not to be emotionally It’s the same way, it’s good to play with you, but you don’t know how to fall in love. If you really chase her, she might run away, but even so, there are really many people who like her... a good girl..."

Lin Zhuo said, she couldn’t help but say more, because in Huang Qingdie, you can see a lot of legendary colors, and she is also a figure in the school. Although she does not participate in the activities, there are many people who know her. .

Beauty is also a **** of learning, and naturally more people are concerned.

Ying Qianxi has not interrupted Lin Zhuo's words, he only knew that the girl was not a running crew, but a little girl who studied so good.

This school is a famous school. He has also heard of it.

Ying Qianxi's eyes gleamed with a complex and faint light, and he didn't turn until Huang Qingdie's figure disappeared from sight.

"Ying Qianxi, wouldn't you really be interested in this school girl? She is too simple, your circle may not be suitable for her."

Ying Qianxi still didn't speak.

Lin Zhuo couldn't figure out what Ying Qianxi was thinking. He and Ying Qianxi were able to talk this way because they had known each other for a long time and were friends.

Lin Zhuo said a lot, and Ying Qianxi looked at him lightly and said, "So who do you think is suitable for her?"

Lin Zhuo was asked by Ying Qianxi all at once, who is suitable for Huang Qingdie? He didn't know.

I can't think of it.

"No, Ying Qianxi, I still know a little bit about you. You wouldn't really be interested in Xuemei, can you...can't..."

"I have always been cautious about feelings."

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