Huang Yize looked at Han Yichu, his eyes became complicated and deep.

Huang Yize's eyes were very deep and deep, just like the searchlight, as if he wanted to see Han Yichu clearly.

Huang Yize really has a very strange feeling.

This person can't make him feel wrong.

Yun Bilu watched Huang Yize not talking, and hit him with his elbow, "Come on, call you!"

Huang Yize just recovered, and asked, "Come on, no need to be polite."

Huang Qingwu watched his father nervously. When did his father talk so well?


Can it really be a family, that is to say parents will not object?

Huang Qingwu's nervous heart finally came to fruition, she had just been nervous just now!

Everyone simply said polite words, Huang Yize's expression has been a little trance, watching Han Yichu seems to see other figures.

When he didn't speak, Yun Bilu quietly pinched him, the children were all there, and how embarrassing it was for him not to speak.

She thinks that Han Yichu is a good child, and she can see her feelings for her daughter.

Moreover, both the appearance and temperament are quite good. I heard that it was still from the ancient Han family. The ancient mysterious family has a background similar to that of the Black Dragon Party.

For the surname of Han, she has a feeling of intimacy, after all, Brother Bai is also Han Mubai.

But it is a completely different family, but this does not affect her likes.

Yun Bilu's character has always been straightforward, like just like, she will not turn around.

And she has been spoiled by Huang Yize all these years, and she still has the same mentality as the little girl.

Huang Yize coughed and looked at Han Yichu: "Have you ever been to the Black Dragon Party before?"

Han Yichu was stunned. In fact, he really had a sense of familiarity with this place, but he couldn't tell how specific it was, as if he had actually been here.

But there is really nothing in memory, so Han Yichu shook his head, "somewhat familiar, but never visited."

Hearing this sentence, Huang Yize's eyes became deeper. Is it really what he thought?

Looking at the look of his daughter again, he completely liked Han Yichu, and Han Yichu also liked Huang Qingwu.

He was young. At that time, his father prevented him from being with Bilu. It was really hard work, so for young people, he would not interfere too much as an elder.

Huang Yize looked at Han Yichu meaningfully and said, "My daughter has been spoiled since childhood. I only hope she can find someone who loves her and spoils her."

"Uncle, I will. I will treat her well in the future."

Huang Yize said something profound, "You should treat her well."

This sentence, everyone did not understand what it meant, thinking that he wanted Han Yichu to dance well to the emperor.

But Yun Bilu knew Huang Yize and thought he had something to say.

Does he know this Han Yichu?

Han Yichu felt that Huang Qingwu's parents did not object, and then carefully considered Huang Yize's words, he thought Huang Yize might know something.

Does Han really have anything to do with this side?

Maybe he could ask, but he remained silent, thinking about asking alone.

After dinner, everyone was happy, Huang Yize said to Han Yichu: "You come to my study, we talk."

"Okay, uncle."

Huang Qingwu nervously took Han Yichu's hand, Han Yichu gently patted the back of her hand to appease.

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