Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 4755: The Wind Chime of Memories (30)

Han Yichu whispered to the Emperor Qing Qing: "Relax, there will be nothing, and I happen to have something to tell my uncle."

Huang Qingwu went to see her father again, watching her father look firm, she went to see her mother.

Yun Bilu smiled and said: "Relax, can you still trust your father?"

Yun Bilu can feel that her daughter is in love, because the gesture of the youngest daughter can be seen from her face, which is the feeling when in love.

Yun Bilu looked at her daughter and remembered when she was young.

It's nice to be young.

After Han Yichu left the living room with Huang Yize, Yun Bilu danced with Huang Qing: "Xiao Wu, you can rest assured that your father will not stop you from being together, as long as you really love each other, he will treat you sincerely, we will Bless you, you don’t know, when I was with your father, I was really blocked by the elders, it was very hard, but fortunately I was together later, so we naturally have to support you."

Hearing his mother's words, Huang Qingwu was relieved. "Mom, you never told me and Xiaodie about your father's past. We always thought you were in love."

"That's what you saw later. At first, my father and I also experienced some things, but the key to love is to persevere."

Huang Qingwu nodded seriously.

Huang Qingdie listened beside her, her expression tranced. In fact, her thoughts ran to the school long ago and ran to Ying Qianxi.

Do you want to persevere?

Is she going to find Ying Qianxi?


And the other side

Huang Yize and Han Yichu were sitting in the study room. Huang Yize went straight to the door and said: "The Han family, the ancient mysterious family, can perceive profound power and can control some power. Am I right?"

Han Yichu did not expect that Huang Yize was talking about this issue.

He nodded and said: "Uncle, the Han family genealogy does have these records."

Huang Yize stared at Han Yichu and glanced at a glare. "Is there a record about the Southern Xuan Kingdom in the Han family clan pedigree? What about the Dragon Vein God Bead?"

Han Yichu was stunned. He asked questions about this, "Uncle, do you know?"

"Dragon Vein Shenzhu is gone. What I want to say is that you and Qingwu should have been together, but you should cherish it."

Han Yichu shuddered, "Does Uncle know anything?"

Han Yichu thought it was he and Qingwu during the Republican period, but Huang Yize didn't mean that.

"What do you know?"

Han Yichu pursed his lips and said, "What happened?"

Huang Yize fell silent, thinking about the period when he was young, and said: "Do you know the last emperor of the Southern Xuan Kingdom, Emperor Fufusen?"

Han Yichu's pupil trembles, and his eyes are cracked, and the name feels familiar, but he can't remember it at all after a while.

Huang Yize looked at Han Yichu's frowning thoughts and sighed: "You don't need to think too much. I called you to tell you that you should cherish it when you should cherish it. You and Qingwu may really want to Together, my mother and I will support you."

Huang Yize and Yun Bilu experienced a lot of things when he was young, so he felt that as long as there was love, as long as there was love, he should work hard to stay together.

Huang Yize's words made Han Yichu take a pill, but he always felt that Huang Yize had some things that were not clear.

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