Huang Qingdie could feel that because Ying Qianxi was by her side, her mood was different.

Ying Qianxi listened to what Huang Qingdie said about campus life, listened very seriously, and responded with a few sentences from time to time.

Although Ying Qianxi didn't say much, his expression was very soft.

Because of the chattering little girl by his side, his tiredness for many days also went away.

As if I had forgotten all the unhappiness, there was only a pure campus life in front of me.

After Huang Qingdie finished speaking, she pursed her lips and hesitated and said: "Did I say too much?"

"No, I'm listening all the time, it's beautiful."

Huang Qingdie let out a sigh of relief, fearing that Ying Qianxi would think she was talking too much.

Later, Huang Qingdie took Ying Qianxi to the school playground.

The playground is dimly lit. Many people are running around the playground. When someone is tired, they walk and talk.

There are also people sitting on the grass in the middle of the playground listening to music and talking to the sky, a very lively campus scene.

Huang Qingdie felt that the campus love she was looking forward to seemed to be unfolding quietly.

She and Ying Qianxi.

She didn't know how Ying Qianxi felt about her, but she couldn't help but guess, did he like her?

I should like it, so I will be with her like this, right?

She asked herself like this in her heart, but she dared not ask Yingxi.

The first time I like the first throb, my heart will always be tangled.

Ying Qianxi looked at the boys and girls in the school, and also felt a young heart.

It seems to have returned to life on campus.

Seeing that time had passed, there were fewer people on the playground, and Huang Qingdie's heart began to panic.

I really don't want to be separated, that is, let her talk with Ying Qianxi all night, she won't feel boring.

However, she could do this, and Ying Qianxi would have to rest.

Huang Qingdie didn't know when he would leave their school.

"You... when did you finish the film?"

"The filming is finished."

When Huang Qingdie heard this sentence, her heart followed Shen Shen. She hesitated or couldn't help but say, "Is it going to leave after the filming?"

How to do? She was really upset.

The mood is really low.

Just after asking this sentence, Huang Qingdie didn't look at the way on foot, only to think about whether Ying Qianxi would leave.

At this moment, a football came over like this.

"Be careful~"

Ying Qianxi grabbed Huang Qingdie quickly, avoiding football.

The boy in the middle field ran over and kicked the football back, corresponding to Qianxi two people: "Sorry just now."

"It's okay, there are still people on the playground, just pay attention next time."

"It scared your girlfriend."

Ying Qianxi didn't explain any more, and the boy didn't care, just went back to play football.

Huang Qingdie was still leaning on Ying Qianxi's arms, and her heart was beating violently, very fast.

She didn't know what to do, what to say and how to react.

She was in a trance, her brain was blank, smelling Ying Qianxi's breath, she was particularly greedy.

She even wanted to hug it, hug it.

When Huang Qingdie thought of embracing and intimacy, Ying Qianxi looked down at her, "How is it? Was it shocked?"

Huang Qingdie shook her head.

Ying Qianxi looked at her like this, obviously looking shocked. He sighed and said softly, "Shall we leave the playground first? It is not safe here."

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